The Satanic Attack on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

Do you remember when in almost every Catholic Church in England and Wales the altar rails were knocked down and people were forced to stand for Holy Communion?   Do you remember when the Tabernacles were removed from the Sanctuaries and put in a side Altar or even a side room out of the way?   Do you remember when a book written by a priest was approved in which he said that the Presence of Jesus in the host was neither physical nor symbolic but something in between ?  
Do you remember the great discovery that the priest  did not change the the Bread and Wine into the Body and Blood of Christ but it was the Holy Spirit and we ignorant Catholics did not know this?   I remember all of these because I questioned every one of them.

Of course Vatican II had sanctioned these changes we were told.  So I looked through Vatican II and I found nothing so I asked for the evidence.     Now since I had been a Pre-Vatican Catholic who had apparently sat during the Mass praying the Rosary without the least idea what was going on and gullibly doing what I was told, trembling with the thought I was going to Hell,  surely I should have been happy to keep on doing this.  The priest spoke and I jumped and here we were in a new era and as one person wrote, "Gone are the days of the  dictatorial  parish priest, now every voice is heard"    I objected that nobody was listening to me.

Despite the claim that this was all the work of Vatican II the lack of evidence brought forth a new claim - it was the 'Spirit' of Vatican II.   But there is in any dispute a time when you have to examine  the motives of those who oppose you whether they are good or bad and if there is anything in what they say that you can use as a form of reconciliation.     So I began to look at the dismantling of the sanctuary and try to find a good in them.  At first I put it down to an excessive embarrassment that  in the modern world where everyone was so friendly to one another Catholics should still claim to their good Protestant neighbours that they belonged to the One True Church which was still clinging desperately to the teachings of Jesus Christ through the Authority it obtained from him.   So I put it all down to ecumenism.   Lately however I was involved in a discussion about the Body of Christ and the Mystical Body of Christ and I remember being told that the Community was the Body of Christ.   Indeed when the Tabernacles were removed this was one of the arguments put forward.   "We are the Body of Christ" was almost spat at me once.    Then there was a leading Catholic seminary which did not allow its students to worship bread.   And indeed many 'catholics' will not attend adoration.    Then we are told that when you receive Holy Communion it is not a time for devotion.   It is when you go back to your seat and are rejoined to the Community that Holy Communion has meaning.    Any honest person reading this should by now coming to the conclusion I came to that this is not about ecumenism but replacing Jesus Christ Himself and denying Him the love that he is entitled to as the Son of God.    St Paul may have said " the name of Jesus every knee shall bow..." but just look at the slovenly reception of Holy Communion by so many at Mass.    And this has nothing to do with ecumenism it has everything to do with denying people the right to love Jesus and know Jesus in their hearts, and indeed to spend time in His Heart..  So do not be surprised if young people having made their First Holy Communion do not return - after all so many Holy Communion programmes are centred on the theme that they are the greatest gift and they must not be told too much about what loving Jesus in the Holy Sacrament really means.    There can be no devotions.   When the true Jesus is replaced totally in the Sanctuary then there will be no Catholic Church and no reason to be Catholic.  That is why there are now so many attacks on the Mass.   O Sacred Heart of Jesus I implore, the grace to love you daily more and more.        


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