I do not put myself forward as an expert on Fatima. As just a lay Catholic I look at what Jesus taught, what he said in Matthew 28 about those who went forth to bring salvation to the world as having his Authority to teach people to 'observe whatever I have commanded you" Not being an expert I therefore accept the teaching authority of the Church rather than my own conscience and when I am in doubt about anything in my Faith I go to the official teachings of the Church and check in Scripture what Jesus said on the matter. I do not use the modern idea of scripture and say "Well we must interpret this according to the times, and especially in the light of ecumenism". That is a rejection of Jesus Christ - a total rejection of Jesus Christ, and accusing others of having a childish or immature faith does not excuse the insult to Christ in any way. So as a faithful Catholic I have no difficulty nor do I have to question the Miracle of Fatima. I am totally in line with the teachings of Christ and it is those who are not who are asking the questions and posing the doubts.
I have to say that many of us endured much mockery and insults for our childlike faith in Jesus over the past 40 years and it seems that there is now a revival of this persecution in many parts of the West. To those who feel challenged by what I write I ask this question. "Unless you become as little children you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" What did Jesus mean by this? One bishop who is a favourite of the Vatican has just told us childlike Catholics that we must give up our most cherished beliefs for the sake of dialogue. And where may I ask has this dialogue taken us. I think he means we must sacrifice our Catholic beliefs whether right or wrong so that we can build a great big Ecumenical Church where people can do what they like and say what they like and we all will agree for the sake of Unity. The source of Unity is not dialogue and compromise but faithfulness to the teachings of Christ. But let me return to Fatima. The children were told three things which were called secrets. These were about the future and the children were told not to reveal them at the time. It was the task of Sr Lucia to write them down in obedience to Ecclesiastical Authority at a later date. These secrets were about the end of the First World War, the start of another war if we did not say the Rosary and do penance, and the Third Secret which was in a letter Lucia wrote but she asked not to be opened until 1960 for it was at that time that the meaning of the secret would become clear. Come 1960 the Pope was so horrified at the content that he felt it inappropriate to make it public. Of course this caused all sorts of conjectures and fanciful thinking. But there can be no doubt that the content was serious. Soon after we had Vatican II and the falsification of its teachings by a group of anti-catholic clerics in the Vatican. Very few of the changes we have in the Mass for example actually came from the Fathers of Vatican II, they were from the hijackers in the Vatican. Eventually in the year 2000 Pope John Paul II revealed the Third Secret. It was in two parts. One was of an angel trying to thrust a flaming sword into a body but the figure of Our Lady was there and as she raised her hands the flames disappeared then the angel tried again. The idea that Mary is so close to God that she can intercede with him and prevent punishment does not go down well with Catholic who have never studied the subject. The other vision is of a Pope dressed in white, going through a ruined city with Cardinals and Bishops and lay people moving towards a cross. When he reaches the Cross he falls as bullets and arrows enter his body. Those with him suffer the same fate. But there were angels beneath the cross who then get busy scooping up the blood of the Martyrs. In the first half of the 20the Century the destruction of the Church was unthinkable but today with enemies from within and without that is not so certain.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
I have to say that many of us endured much mockery and insults for our childlike faith in Jesus over the past 40 years and it seems that there is now a revival of this persecution in many parts of the West. To those who feel challenged by what I write I ask this question. "Unless you become as little children you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" What did Jesus mean by this? One bishop who is a favourite of the Vatican has just told us childlike Catholics that we must give up our most cherished beliefs for the sake of dialogue. And where may I ask has this dialogue taken us. I think he means we must sacrifice our Catholic beliefs whether right or wrong so that we can build a great big Ecumenical Church where people can do what they like and say what they like and we all will agree for the sake of Unity. The source of Unity is not dialogue and compromise but faithfulness to the teachings of Christ. But let me return to Fatima. The children were told three things which were called secrets. These were about the future and the children were told not to reveal them at the time. It was the task of Sr Lucia to write them down in obedience to Ecclesiastical Authority at a later date. These secrets were about the end of the First World War, the start of another war if we did not say the Rosary and do penance, and the Third Secret which was in a letter Lucia wrote but she asked not to be opened until 1960 for it was at that time that the meaning of the secret would become clear. Come 1960 the Pope was so horrified at the content that he felt it inappropriate to make it public. Of course this caused all sorts of conjectures and fanciful thinking. But there can be no doubt that the content was serious. Soon after we had Vatican II and the falsification of its teachings by a group of anti-catholic clerics in the Vatican. Very few of the changes we have in the Mass for example actually came from the Fathers of Vatican II, they were from the hijackers in the Vatican. Eventually in the year 2000 Pope John Paul II revealed the Third Secret. It was in two parts. One was of an angel trying to thrust a flaming sword into a body but the figure of Our Lady was there and as she raised her hands the flames disappeared then the angel tried again. The idea that Mary is so close to God that she can intercede with him and prevent punishment does not go down well with Catholic who have never studied the subject. The other vision is of a Pope dressed in white, going through a ruined city with Cardinals and Bishops and lay people moving towards a cross. When he reaches the Cross he falls as bullets and arrows enter his body. Those with him suffer the same fate. But there were angels beneath the cross who then get busy scooping up the blood of the Martyrs. In the first half of the 20the Century the destruction of the Church was unthinkable but today with enemies from within and without that is not so certain.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
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