Above is a picture of the people of Poland demonstrating against the power of the EU who want them to accept 160,000 migrants. Poland is also in a fight against Gay Marriage, Abortion, and all the evils that the West has decided is good for a country. Poland is part of the Fatima message for she too struggled under Communist errors for so many years and her history is one of struggle against being conquered by other nations and especially the Moslem armies.
It was one of her sons's Pope John Paul II who brought Fatima alive again when in 1982 he miraculously survived an attempt on his life on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. He handout doubt that Our Lady of Fatima had rescued him and went to Fatima where he perfomed with other bishops of the world the Consecration of Russia. He then dared to visit his native Poland and in a remarkably short time the Iron Curtain was torn to shreds and Poland and the rest of Russian occupied Eastern Europe found itself free. He then in the year 2000 revealed the Third Secret of Fatima. There are those who feel there was more to the secret, but is not a vision of the destruction of the Church not enough?
We owe a great deal to Poland especially those immigrants who came to our country with their Catholic Faith and helped to fill our emptying Church again.
At our Fatima Evening on 15th November we will be saying the Rosary especially for Poland and her people.
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