Does Devotion to Mary make her more important than Jesus?

Devotion to Mary is not scriptural.   Mary is a creature just like you and I.   We have Jesus as our mediator with God, so Mary is not needed in any way whatsoever.

This was very much the position of the Protestant Faith until the Reformers within the Catholic Church decided that in order to bring about an Ecumenical church certain Catholic beliefs had to go and among them was the position of Mary.

The first thing to say is that Mary was never a creature just like you and I.   Yes, she was made like you and I, but the role she was to undertake as Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, meant that she had to be someone with the fullness of Grace and Holiness that was needed by someone who was to give birth to the Holiest of Holies.    Her sinless son would need a sinless mother whom he could love with all his heart and be united to her as a loving son.   So Mary, as the angel Gabriel said, was born "full of grace", indeed this grace filled her soul at the moment of conception so that she was indeed as she declared at Lourdes to Bernadette 'The Immaculate Conception".   Mary was always close to God even as a child when she served in the Temple.

That closeness to God was the reason she loved Jesus so much, she knew he was the Son of God and her whole life was spent caring for him.    She knew the terrible death he was to suffer and suffered every day as that dreadful time drew near.

The relationship between Jesus and Mary was evident at the Marriage Feast of Cana.   The compassionate Mary having learned that the hosts were facing humiliation went to Jesus and just said "They have no wine"   Jesus replied "What is that to you and me, my hour has not come"   But Mary knew that he would be even more compassionate than her so she went to the servants and prepared them for the miracle.    Nobody knows a son like his mother.    Mary in the story was an advocate, and intercessor for the hosts with her son.   That role did not stop with her death and when someone asks something from her whether it is forgiveness of a sin, or some material need she goes as an advocate to her Son and wins that grace or that favour for him or her.    She knows her compassion will be more than matched by the compassion of her son.    Jesus loves her so much he can refuse her nothing.    Notice that this has nothing to do with the relationship between God the Father and God the Son.    Only Jesus redeemed Mankind for the Father, and only Jesus obtains the many graces that mankind needs because  of His Passion and death.    Nevertheless this favourite daughter of the Father and the Mother of the Son, that bridge between the two, whose consent played such a part in the story of Salvation, is a powerful advocate for us in Heaven.


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