In seven years you will return here to celebrate the centenary of the first visit made by the Lady “come from heaven”, the Teacher who introduced the little seers to a deep knowledge of the Love of the Blessed Trinity and led them to savour God himself as the most beautiful reality of human existence. This experience of grace made them fall in love with God in Jesus, so much so that Jacinta could cry out: “How much I delight in telling Jesus that I love him! When I tell him this often, I feel as if I have a fire in my breast, yet it does not burn me”. And Francisco could say: “What I liked most of all was seeing Our Lord in that light which Our Mother put into our hearts. I love God so much!” (Memoirs of Sister Lúcia, I, 42 and 126
The above is a quote from Pope Benedict when he visited Fatima 10 years ago. I do not know if Benedict will return but I do know that the Church must return there. For it is at Fatima that the Church will again find its mission, There is so much evil in the world today and there are wars and ideologies that are destroying the good in our human nature. Those who should be guiding us look on helplessly for they have no solutions. And indeed why should they for humanity itself cannot solve a battle between good and evil. Our enemies as St Paul tells us are 'Principalities and Powers'. We are in a Spiritual War. We need therefore Spiritual weapons, and the greatest of these is to Love God, with All our Hears, With All our souls, with all Our Minds, and Wth All our Strength. As Jesus said this is the First and greatest commandment. Yes, the second is loving your neighbour but to make a real difference we must love our neighbour through the love of God.
Returning to the words of Pope Benedict notice those words from a seven year old girl and an eight year old boy. How through Mary they learned to love God indeed with their hearts and their souls, and burned with this love so much that they were ready to make sacrifices and do penance and prayer to save souls and bring them to the love of God. That is what evangelisation is about. It is not bringing people to Church it is about inflaming them with the love of God. Indeed it is about filling the whole world with the love of God, and the message of Mary to the Church is that the Church is failing miserably.
The children with their cousin Lucy prayed constantly and one of their greatest prayers was the Rosary which Mary had taught them.
Some get upset with the notion of Hell and having invented in their own minds a Jesus who never spoke of such things they dismiss the Fatima Miracle which 72,000 people testified to but they are deceiving themselves. If you die without the love of God in your heart would you be happy in heaven? The flames of hell are the terrible hate which comes from these poor souls. We must save them and like the Children of Fatima we must learn to love God and do prayer and sacrifices to win them graces. "If any one would allow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me" And let u like the children set our hearts on fire by reciting constantly through the day "O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope in you and I love you, and I ask pardon tor those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope in you, nor love you. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
The above is a quote from Pope Benedict when he visited Fatima 10 years ago. I do not know if Benedict will return but I do know that the Church must return there. For it is at Fatima that the Church will again find its mission, There is so much evil in the world today and there are wars and ideologies that are destroying the good in our human nature. Those who should be guiding us look on helplessly for they have no solutions. And indeed why should they for humanity itself cannot solve a battle between good and evil. Our enemies as St Paul tells us are 'Principalities and Powers'. We are in a Spiritual War. We need therefore Spiritual weapons, and the greatest of these is to Love God, with All our Hears, With All our souls, with all Our Minds, and Wth All our Strength. As Jesus said this is the First and greatest commandment. Yes, the second is loving your neighbour but to make a real difference we must love our neighbour through the love of God.
Returning to the words of Pope Benedict notice those words from a seven year old girl and an eight year old boy. How through Mary they learned to love God indeed with their hearts and their souls, and burned with this love so much that they were ready to make sacrifices and do penance and prayer to save souls and bring them to the love of God. That is what evangelisation is about. It is not bringing people to Church it is about inflaming them with the love of God. Indeed it is about filling the whole world with the love of God, and the message of Mary to the Church is that the Church is failing miserably.
The children with their cousin Lucy prayed constantly and one of their greatest prayers was the Rosary which Mary had taught them.
Some get upset with the notion of Hell and having invented in their own minds a Jesus who never spoke of such things they dismiss the Fatima Miracle which 72,000 people testified to but they are deceiving themselves. If you die without the love of God in your heart would you be happy in heaven? The flames of hell are the terrible hate which comes from these poor souls. We must save them and like the Children of Fatima we must learn to love God and do prayer and sacrifices to win them graces. "If any one would allow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me" And let u like the children set our hearts on fire by reciting constantly through the day "O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope in you and I love you, and I ask pardon tor those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope in you, nor love you. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
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