On the Question of Sin
Above is the face of little Jacinta of Fatima. She died around 10 years old after the visions of Our Lady at Fatima. But this is a recent photograph of her for her body has been blessed by God to lie incorrupt.
Jacinta was a child with a loving heart. When in a game she was dared to kiss her brother she said no and looking around asked if she could kiss a crucifix on the wall instead. Taking the image from the wall she kissed it and then looked at the crucified Christ She asked her older cousin Lucy why he was nailed so horribly and Lucy told her the story of the crucifixion and why Jesus died. She burst into tears and vowed she would not hurt Jesus in this way.
When Mary appeared to the children she told them how many souls were being lost since they had nobody to pray for them and to offer sacrifices for them. She even showed them a vision of what Hell could be like. Jacinta was so moved that so many were going to hell because nobody was praying and sacrificing that she spent the rest of her short life doing just that.
Of course speaking of Fatima and the message of Fatima brings conflict. When the Reformers in the 70's took over many parts of the Catholic Church and introduced a more mature Faith the Pre-Vatican Church was caricatured as a Church where simple people indoctrinated in Catholics Schools went about their daily lives in fear and anguish. The Educated Experts told us not to worry about sin but instead just concentrate on being good and giving to the poor and becoming a community which the world would welcome since it was not full of preaching and teaching, and even worse, teaching that no Church never mind the Catholic church taught the truth. It was a good inclusive secular Faith but it was not a Christian one. Jesus himself said "Not everyone who cries to me Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in Heaven" So we can go to Church on Sunday and have one great Social Life, we can give to numerous collections, and turn on Songs of Praise on a Sunday, but according to Jesus that may not be enough. Of course I am talking here about the Jesus of Scripture,not the false Christ that Jesus himself foretold would be preferrable to the people. A Jesus who despite warning about Hell numerous times, warning about the Last Judgement many times, and telling people not to sin any more, would certainly not be welcome in many Churches today. Exclusive and Judgemental they would call him. A Jesus who said "If you love me keep my Commandments" would be laughed at.
So through the little children of Fatima Jesus sent his Mother to remind us of the truth. There is a Hell and through their sins many people would be going there. Remember that Modernism was something preached against by St Pius X long before Fatima, it did not just suddenly appear after Vatican II. And let us be clear that the only prophet we have had since the time of Jesus was his own Mother coming back time and again to warn her children. At Fatima Mary spelled out the responsibility of the Church is to save souls, to set those who are captive to sin free. IF YOU REJECT OUR LADY OF FATIMA YOU ARE REJECTING JESUS HIMSELF AND WHAT HE TAUGH, FOR A FALSE CHRIST OF YOU OWN CHOOSING. Jesus sacrificed himself for us and as Catholics we are called upon to sacrifice ourselves in the same way for others. Do not just pray, offer some penance for our children and by uniting yourself to Jesus on the Cross, your love will not go unrewatded.
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