HOLY SATURDAY: Pray for those who live in despair and need light into their lives.
After Jesus died his disciples ran into hiding. It was the end of a great dream. They sat around feeling sorry for themselves and making all kinds of excuses for themselves. They were again people without Faith.
The Church has experienced times of darkness throughout her history. There were times when everything she stood for was mocked and derided by those who were more clever and more 'adult'. And as today there were those who were persecuted and put to death for daring to believe that the future of the Church was with Jesus Christ its founder, and its apostles. In the Church today there is a real need to believe in a Resurrection, for it is weak and its weakness is despised by a secular society.
So many children today are growing up without the love of a Father, a Mother, or both. The little girl misses the Father who would embrace her and call her his Princess. The little boy does not have a Father to wrestle with him or to cheer him on at football. But what is worse, he or she has friends who do and whatever the love they have from the one parent, and many try so hard, they can never be recompensed for the loss they feel when with their friends. Fifty per cent of 15 year olds in Britain have experienced the divorce of their natural parents and it is cited by the secular society and ignored by the Church that it does damage to the children and in many many cases the children underachieve in life and see themselves as different. And when we look at the children who have never had a father, how bitter is their cup.
Now it is irresponsible to tell these children the Jesus loves them and believe that will solve the problem - 'we are doing our best', etc' They do not experience the love of God in their every day lives and that is where God should be. The problem with the Church today, as many of these children will affirm, is not that the Church does not have a solution, it does not even have an interest.
So these children will live in Holy Saturday for the rest of their lives. Will the miracle of the Resurrection happen tomorrow. Will they find a new hope tomorrow. Yes, perhaps when very young they shared like the Disciples a dream of better things. But somehow and suddenly the dream was gone.
Let us pray for our Children.
The Church has experienced times of darkness throughout her history. There were times when everything she stood for was mocked and derided by those who were more clever and more 'adult'. And as today there were those who were persecuted and put to death for daring to believe that the future of the Church was with Jesus Christ its founder, and its apostles. In the Church today there is a real need to believe in a Resurrection, for it is weak and its weakness is despised by a secular society.
So many children today are growing up without the love of a Father, a Mother, or both. The little girl misses the Father who would embrace her and call her his Princess. The little boy does not have a Father to wrestle with him or to cheer him on at football. But what is worse, he or she has friends who do and whatever the love they have from the one parent, and many try so hard, they can never be recompensed for the loss they feel when with their friends. Fifty per cent of 15 year olds in Britain have experienced the divorce of their natural parents and it is cited by the secular society and ignored by the Church that it does damage to the children and in many many cases the children underachieve in life and see themselves as different. And when we look at the children who have never had a father, how bitter is their cup.
Now it is irresponsible to tell these children the Jesus loves them and believe that will solve the problem - 'we are doing our best', etc' They do not experience the love of God in their every day lives and that is where God should be. The problem with the Church today, as many of these children will affirm, is not that the Church does not have a solution, it does not even have an interest.
So these children will live in Holy Saturday for the rest of their lives. Will the miracle of the Resurrection happen tomorrow. Will they find a new hope tomorrow. Yes, perhaps when very young they shared like the Disciples a dream of better things. But somehow and suddenly the dream was gone.
Let us pray for our Children.
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