GOOD FRIDAY; The Call to be Saints.
O Wisest Love. That flesh and blood
which did in Adam fail
Should strive afresh against the foe
Should strive and should prevail.
John Henry Newman
When Jesus was in the Garden before the Passion he was so afraid of what was to happen that he sweated blood. He was in every way a human being and wanted to die peacefully. Yet He knew that what was at stake was so high that he had to embrace the suffering. As he said to Pilate "You would have no power over me if it was not given to you from above" Yes he had freely given himself into the hands of evil and was ready to face every hateful sneer, every curse, every whipping, every nail forced into his hands and feet. Everything that Satan would throw at him. And he was ready. That was what John Henry Newman meant when he wrote the quote above, that whereas Adam was so easy broken and made to sin, Jesus would triumph.. As God he could have called a halt to it any time, but it was as a man that he would face Satan and his enemies and in the end triumph by whispering "Father, forgive them" He said to his followers once "If any man will come after me, let him take up his Cross daily and follow me". Christ had shown us what the Cross was, it was triumphing over all the trials and temptations that would come our way. It would be resisting the call to sin and despite the difficulties leading a good life. It was the call to Sainthood. How often do we give into sin because it is easier to throw away the Cross and our good intentions.. And how often do we seek consolation from those who would justify our actions. But then Jesus is Jesus and we are only frail human beings, we cannot help such things is the usual excuse. No, not without Jesus supporting us that is true. I have often looked at the Church and wondered if I were I young would take the bother to go into it on a Sunday. There is no challenge, there is no calling, there seems to be just people there justifying themselves despite the call to holiness in the Sacraments, the means by which Jesus helps us, the grace that Jesus pours out to us, and the forgiveness that is always there for us. When I was young I wanted to be a saint like St Mungo, St Francis, St Therese. Somebody told the young that such people were not really important. I looked at the world and knew that if the love of God was reflected in me I could draw thousands to the Church as the Saints had done. And later I saw that if the Church was a place where people were faithful to Christ in everything and not just the teachings that suited them, the Church could change the world for the institution itself would be evangelical and drawing should to her care. So let us today decide to pick up our Cross again, Jesus has shown us the way, but it is not the way the world wants us to go.
which did in Adam fail
Should strive afresh against the foe
Should strive and should prevail.
John Henry Newman
When Jesus was in the Garden before the Passion he was so afraid of what was to happen that he sweated blood. He was in every way a human being and wanted to die peacefully. Yet He knew that what was at stake was so high that he had to embrace the suffering. As he said to Pilate "You would have no power over me if it was not given to you from above" Yes he had freely given himself into the hands of evil and was ready to face every hateful sneer, every curse, every whipping, every nail forced into his hands and feet. Everything that Satan would throw at him. And he was ready. That was what John Henry Newman meant when he wrote the quote above, that whereas Adam was so easy broken and made to sin, Jesus would triumph.. As God he could have called a halt to it any time, but it was as a man that he would face Satan and his enemies and in the end triumph by whispering "Father, forgive them" He said to his followers once "If any man will come after me, let him take up his Cross daily and follow me". Christ had shown us what the Cross was, it was triumphing over all the trials and temptations that would come our way. It would be resisting the call to sin and despite the difficulties leading a good life. It was the call to Sainthood. How often do we give into sin because it is easier to throw away the Cross and our good intentions.. And how often do we seek consolation from those who would justify our actions. But then Jesus is Jesus and we are only frail human beings, we cannot help such things is the usual excuse. No, not without Jesus supporting us that is true. I have often looked at the Church and wondered if I were I young would take the bother to go into it on a Sunday. There is no challenge, there is no calling, there seems to be just people there justifying themselves despite the call to holiness in the Sacraments, the means by which Jesus helps us, the grace that Jesus pours out to us, and the forgiveness that is always there for us. When I was young I wanted to be a saint like St Mungo, St Francis, St Therese. Somebody told the young that such people were not really important. I looked at the world and knew that if the love of God was reflected in me I could draw thousands to the Church as the Saints had done. And later I saw that if the Church was a place where people were faithful to Christ in everything and not just the teachings that suited them, the Church could change the world for the institution itself would be evangelical and drawing should to her care. So let us today decide to pick up our Cross again, Jesus has shown us the way, but it is not the way the world wants us to go.
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