What you see above was once a very beautiful Church that had a very short life. It was attached to a seminary where young men from Glasgow and Argyle and the Isles came to study to be priests. There would probably have been as many as 50 in 1965 and yet when the Spirit of Vatican II took over Scotland you could count the seminarians in one hand and in 1975 the Church, which cost God knows how much, was abandoned. And as you can see, I mean ABANDONED. It was too Pre-Vatican. The decay and vandalism almost moved step by step with the decay and vandalism of the Catholic Faith in Scotland. I do not care whether as a Scottish Catholic your are modernist or tradition - you should be ashamed. Call me a fool if you like, but my gut feeling is that when this Church is restored then the Catholic Faith in Scotland will be restored.
I do not know how old this picture is but if there is anyone in Scotland who cam make their way to Cardross and climb the hill to find the Church, please do so. Ruined though it is, it should become again a place of prayer.
And what are we to make of the sudden emptying of this seminary. It was the Fruits of the Spirit of Vatican II, not the documents but the deceit and dishonesty of the times. The Seminary died not so much because young men were not interested in the priesthood but because young men were no longer interested in the Catholic Faith. Yet still there are bishops and priests who refuse to look at their 'victory', and refuse to ask why it all went so wrong. That at least shows some repentance.
Be still for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here....................
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