Thou Shalt Love The Lord Your God.....And Him Only Shall You Serve.
This is the First Commandment. "You will have no other Gods before me" When reading the Old Testament we can see God as very hard and intolerant. He revealed Himself to a tribe which became knows as the Chosen People. To this people he revealed the truth that God had made mankind in his own image and likeness and if man had fallen then it was by his own will. But He promised that He would one day through a Messiah bring mankind back to that first union he had with them when he made them with all the perfection he could as a Creator and with all the graces that made them special friends. But this relationship was in the future and meanwhile try though they may the Israelites often ignored his mercy and were as brutal in war and ambition as any other desert tribe. this was fallen man and without knowing the love of God they could not change. The Old Testament is therefore the history of man without grace and the New Testament the history of Mankind living as St Paul reminded the Corinthians with the law without the grace to live up to the law. That grace came from Christ.
When we look at many parts of the Catholic Church today it does not seem to have fulfilled the promise of Jesus. It does not follow the law as taught by Jesus and seek the grace of perfection. Rather it makes excuse in its sins and has brought the teachings of Jesus down to the level of 'ideals'. As long as we give to the poor that is all Jesus required. The Beatitudes are quoted as the teachings of Christ as the only thing required however it would be impossible to find meekness, purity, seeking for righteousness among many Catholic communities. A great deal of effort is made to fight for justice for the poor but time and again I refer to the poor beyond the front door The unborn children, the children of divorce, the children of single parents, the children in care, the children on the streets, the children who take drugs, there is no vision whatsoever of how to treat them. So the poor are always those in the third world. It was Mother Teresa who pointed out that the greatest poverty is not material poverty but spiritual poverty. Many parts of the Church have no understanding of what she meant. And while they are ignorant the children will always perish.
We have a God who is One and yet is a Trinity of three persons. A 'prophet' called Mohammed , and I do not fear telling the truth, wrote a book called the Koran in the seventh century. It was a mixture of Jewish, Christian and Pagan myths and teachings. There was one teaching above all else that he emphasised - God is One and undivided, and the Trinity is therefore a blasphemy. for hundreds of years the Muslims following him have done so with this principal doctrine. Their God is Allah and He has no resemblance to the loving God revealed by Jesus Christ. He wishes the death of all unbelievers and demands their destruction. It is embarrassing to find that in England the bishops have agreed to a Conference on Islam to help Muslim and Christian understanding. Again it demonstrates how far from out God England has become. We will be discussing another God and pretending that we are all in agreement that He is a good God. As Sharia Law shows He is not. But the organisers will not of course be discussing Sharia Law they will be talking about all the good things taken from Jewish and Christian sources. Does this mean then as some will have already made up their minds on that I hate Muslims? I reject this. I cannot respect the Protestant teaching that the Scriptures are our only guide. I cannot accept that morality is unimportant and that divorce is just part of the living experience. I cannot accept sex outside marriage is just one of those things. so I reject Protestantism and those within the Catholic Church who adhere to these convictions I oppose on these matters. To point out error is not judgemental. But they are all children created by God in his own image and likeness, and Him only should they serve, but because of the love God bears towards them I cannot do other than love them also. But I will be called negative and bigoted and judgemental and that I cannot help. I stand beside the Lord our God Jesus Christ and Him only shall I serve.
When we look at many parts of the Catholic Church today it does not seem to have fulfilled the promise of Jesus. It does not follow the law as taught by Jesus and seek the grace of perfection. Rather it makes excuse in its sins and has brought the teachings of Jesus down to the level of 'ideals'. As long as we give to the poor that is all Jesus required. The Beatitudes are quoted as the teachings of Christ as the only thing required however it would be impossible to find meekness, purity, seeking for righteousness among many Catholic communities. A great deal of effort is made to fight for justice for the poor but time and again I refer to the poor beyond the front door The unborn children, the children of divorce, the children of single parents, the children in care, the children on the streets, the children who take drugs, there is no vision whatsoever of how to treat them. So the poor are always those in the third world. It was Mother Teresa who pointed out that the greatest poverty is not material poverty but spiritual poverty. Many parts of the Church have no understanding of what she meant. And while they are ignorant the children will always perish.
We have a God who is One and yet is a Trinity of three persons. A 'prophet' called Mohammed , and I do not fear telling the truth, wrote a book called the Koran in the seventh century. It was a mixture of Jewish, Christian and Pagan myths and teachings. There was one teaching above all else that he emphasised - God is One and undivided, and the Trinity is therefore a blasphemy. for hundreds of years the Muslims following him have done so with this principal doctrine. Their God is Allah and He has no resemblance to the loving God revealed by Jesus Christ. He wishes the death of all unbelievers and demands their destruction. It is embarrassing to find that in England the bishops have agreed to a Conference on Islam to help Muslim and Christian understanding. Again it demonstrates how far from out God England has become. We will be discussing another God and pretending that we are all in agreement that He is a good God. As Sharia Law shows He is not. But the organisers will not of course be discussing Sharia Law they will be talking about all the good things taken from Jewish and Christian sources. Does this mean then as some will have already made up their minds on that I hate Muslims? I reject this. I cannot respect the Protestant teaching that the Scriptures are our only guide. I cannot accept that morality is unimportant and that divorce is just part of the living experience. I cannot accept sex outside marriage is just one of those things. so I reject Protestantism and those within the Catholic Church who adhere to these convictions I oppose on these matters. To point out error is not judgemental. But they are all children created by God in his own image and likeness, and Him only should they serve, but because of the love God bears towards them I cannot do other than love them also. But I will be called negative and bigoted and judgemental and that I cannot help. I stand beside the Lord our God Jesus Christ and Him only shall I serve.
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