The Pope and his Judgementalism.
Catholics experienced it all over Europe. Suddenly after Vatican II the false Spirit took over and the demonising of the Pre-Vatican Church began. It was the Ecumenical age and Church leaders felt obliged to apologise for the nasty Roman Church who believed that they had the Authority to teach what Christ had commanded them, since Christ was the Absolute Truth. Matthew 28. So the truth was rejected and in its place people followed their conscience and became good neighbours to one another and did not care much for anything Jesus taught, except love, of course. That this abandonment of truth had led us to a pagan society for out young people to enjoy was not of any concern. Of course the Church lost thousands of Catholics but apparently this was all in the plan of the Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis who apparently had entered a Mosque and prayed facing Mecca, then allowed an Imam to ride with him on his Popemobile on his visit to the Central Arab Republic was full of this new ecumenical gesture with the Muslims. I can only excuse the things he said on this assumption for just as the ecumenists turned on faithful Catholics and treated them as stupid people who had not 'moved on', the Pope began to criticise Catholics who believed in Absolute Truth but were apparently very scathing of others. The problem with the Pope when he starts speaking to the press on an aeroplane on his return visit from some country is that he is too eager to prove himself. This leads him to speak in a confused way and much of what he says is lost in the translation to the English language. So was he saying that 'all' Catholics who believe in the Absolute Truth are judgemental and nasty. You know the people he means those who believed in absolute truth such as Mother Teresa, Vincent de Pau, and all those who believed in the truth of the Church should be ashamed of themselves for such believe is evil, or was he talking about 'some' who believe in the Absolute Truth taught by Jesus Christ are evil. There is something in the Bible about not trying to remove the plank in your brothers eye when the beam is in your own. The Pope had no right whatsoever to criticise either of the these two groups in this way for he was putting down his fellow Catholics and holding them up for ridicule.
No doubt we will soon get an apology from a Vatican spokesman but the lesson for the Pope is that he should not give off the cuff press conferences when he is such a poor communicator.
Pope Francis who apparently had entered a Mosque and prayed facing Mecca, then allowed an Imam to ride with him on his Popemobile on his visit to the Central Arab Republic was full of this new ecumenical gesture with the Muslims. I can only excuse the things he said on this assumption for just as the ecumenists turned on faithful Catholics and treated them as stupid people who had not 'moved on', the Pope began to criticise Catholics who believed in Absolute Truth but were apparently very scathing of others. The problem with the Pope when he starts speaking to the press on an aeroplane on his return visit from some country is that he is too eager to prove himself. This leads him to speak in a confused way and much of what he says is lost in the translation to the English language. So was he saying that 'all' Catholics who believe in the Absolute Truth are judgemental and nasty. You know the people he means those who believed in absolute truth such as Mother Teresa, Vincent de Pau, and all those who believed in the truth of the Church should be ashamed of themselves for such believe is evil, or was he talking about 'some' who believe in the Absolute Truth taught by Jesus Christ are evil. There is something in the Bible about not trying to remove the plank in your brothers eye when the beam is in your own. The Pope had no right whatsoever to criticise either of the these two groups in this way for he was putting down his fellow Catholics and holding them up for ridicule.
No doubt we will soon get an apology from a Vatican spokesman but the lesson for the Pope is that he should not give off the cuff press conferences when he is such a poor communicator.
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