They whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.

The title is a saying I used to know.   I think it was from the Greeks.  If so, the Greek Gods are about to destroy us all for never in the history of the world has there been an age with so much madness as this one.

Nobody seems to use reason any more and having overthrown morality conscience is boosted by professing that you love the poor and disadvantaged so anything else you do must be justified or of little consequence.   In other words serving the poor has become something for the self-image rather than a precept of the teachings of Jesus Christ, or perhaps even an excuse for not living the Faith

We have this from many in our approach to Syria where the refugees whom we see are the focus of our attention and little regard is payed to the Muslims and Christians who are being put to death in Mosul in Iraq and in Syria itself by Daesh with a barbarity which the world has not experienced  for many centuries - crucifying, beheading, and stoning to death.   While Christians and yes Catholics focus their attention on the refugees able to pay their passage over and yes are indeed worthy of our compassion little attention is focussed on those still suffering there is an imbalance in our approach.   I wrote once to the Bishop asking for prayers in the Diocese for the persecuted Christians in Iraq and Syria but I knew from the answer from a third party that it was not passed on to him.  How sad, but it makes the point for me.  As far as compassion and mercy are concerned we are still too concerned with letting our left hand know what the right hand is doing.  It is madness.  And after a visit to Africa was it too much to ask the Holy Father to use his time to deplore the sufferings in that Continent instead of using the journey to chastise many faithful Catholics.  It is madness.

In the political world we have had people on the street who do not want to bomb Syria.   Yes there are good motives for not bombing Syria which many hold but to claim that the bomblings will kill civilians who are already being murdered and butchered is somehow schizophrenic, or that maybe we will be bombed in Britain as a result so let Dash get on with their brutality is madness.    lt is certainly not compassion.  David Cameron was certainly right about our security but he is suffering from a bout of imperialism.    It seems that any political solution after the war will be done by him and not the Syrian people.   He does not like President Saddam and there are many who do not like President Saddam so he will have to go in the Cameron plan.   But there are many in Syria who actually support President Assam and they surely and not David Cameron should decide his fate.  Meanwhile on the ground the only people interested in fighting Daesh is the Kurds.   Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey have all dropped out and left the West to get on with it.   But undeterred Mr Cameron has created a phantom army of 70,000 who will all rush to help him when the fighting is over and they feel safe.  What a mad world.              


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