The Real Pope Francis
It might be deduced from my last post that I am anti-Pope Francis. Nothing can be further from the truth. In the case of the Encyclical he was surrounded by so called scientific advisers who led him a merry dance. One a German whose name I cannot spell at the moment was a Climate Change fanatic and believed the world could not sustain more that 1 billion people. So perhaps he will be opened to more moderate influences in the future. No, the real Pope Francis is the one who speaks out against population control, indiscriminate abortion, and puts the family at the very centre of his teachings. He also opposes the secular world in the gender wars. It is fitting then that such a Pope should have called for a Synod on the Family and is trying to bring us back to the teachings of Christ on this matter. It is interesting that those who are vigorously supporting him on Climate Change will be the very ones who will be just as vigorous in their opposition to the teachings of Christ on the Family and will be trying to railroad the Synod into Communion for the Divorced and Remarried, the love of homosexual relationships, and transgender issues. I can well remember the Contraception before HumanaeVitae. The experts were advising everyone that the matter was all but sealed and delivered and that 'common sense' would prevail and Catholic women would soon be taking their birth pills. Those like myself who pointed out that the Church could not change its teaching were laughed at, and indeed as far as contraception is concerned we are still laughed at today as the 'common sense' people and those who have 'moved on' oppose the Church with hatred. Yet anyone who believes that Contraception has proved a boon to marriage and our young people are living in a world of make believe. The Encyclical has gone, I will not become an eco-warrior and there are important things now that the Church must get on with and demand the full support of faithful Catholics in doing so.
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