Reactions to the Encyclical

I can only conclude that Pope Francis has been guided by experts I heard in local colleges in the 1980"s.  His over the top comments on preserving a 'fragile' earth and almost engaging the earth as God brings back memories of the 'tree hugging' and earth worshiping of those days.   Then there was the Age of the Goddess and other fanciful theories.    So there is nothing original in what Pope Francis said, he was obviously under the guidance of such people.   I did object to his assumption that the whole world is filth when after all he was only talking about the rich West and not the Africa and the poor East.  Then there was his worry about species being wiped out which we would all miss and we are responsible for, and to think this Pope also espouses Evolution and the survival of the fittest.  I am in my uneducated way an ecologist, I love love to be in a garden of beautiful flowers, I love to walk  through the woods and listen to the birds singing their different melodies, I love to breathe the fresh air, and I love to behold the mountains and the ponder the mysteries  of the seas, but I am not in a battlefield to preserve them for I know God is the provider of such wonders and that God preserves them.   I know the earth is not fragile but is tough and enduring as it has been for over 4 million years.  
I do not believe that Western Countries have to share their wealth with the poor, I believe they should apologise to the poor for not enabling them to explore their own resources.  For taking and taking and not allowing the poor countries to experience their own Industrial Revolutions.   It is in this that we find true greed.  I am sorry to say that on the subject of Air Conditioning the Pope makes rather a fool of himself.   He condemns it outright, yet for many people air conditioning in hospitals in houses in warm climates, air conditioning is a necessity for their lives.    Let me continue by giving  examples of how to enrich the poor.    Why are people being swept away by floods when the building of a damn to stop the pressure at some point or redirect the water can save the problem.   If indeed fire is major cause of carbon emissions why are so many in poor countries still cooking with wooden fires or burning dung when they could be using electricity  if their Government or the West desired it.   The Pope gives a rather one sided picture of greed, but there are many many people who in the developed countries who do care  Many Governments in the West give Aid to the developing world but only to find such projects ignored and money disappearing into Space programmes as in India.   There is frequent appeals for money to develop clean water in the third world and it would seem that only these charities who call for the money have any interest.  But that is the problem, the people with Capital only invest in money making projects and their are no major projects from the Governments we hand overseas Aid to.    All this the Pope ignored in a tirade of abuse in a document which pontificated but gave no practical solutions.
And then there is Climate Change.    He accepted the sweeping rhetoric so easily and all that the computer models were predicting.    A little research and it is not great research would have shown him the predictions were not working that the ice layer in the Antarctic was at an all time high, that the Arctic had gone back to 1978 levels, that there was no great increases in temperature, and he ounce even have found out from their statements that those forwarding Global Warming were intent on controlling every country and their economic progress, bringing a world Government.   He could have found out that there agenda was really population control, with contraception and abortions, and a move towards what is considered the amount of people who live on our planet being set at a sustainable level, something totally against Catholic teaching, but No, he did not research whatsoever and tried to bind the conscience of catholics to his wisdom by introducing a moral ecology.   I wish the Pope well but I will follow him only on what Christ revealed to his Church morally and spiritually.   The members of St Pius X are getting a bashing for objecting like myself.   I am mainstream Catholic and there are thousands of us, so do not fall for the idea that only the far right disagree with the Pope.                  


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