
Showing posts from June, 2015


I have just been reading an article on Polygamous groups which exist throughout the world.  The author was asking the question which is consistently ignored by Gay Marriage proponents  that if we no longer recognise marriage in the traditional sense as between one man and one woman then they too as people in love have a right to legal recognition.   Indeed one could say that because of the stigma that may be attached to their children they have a greater need for recognition. The trouble with Governments passing laws on marriage is that they ignore one essential point that before they can consider changing a law on marriage they have to define what Marriage is and what is its purpose.   In all countries where Gay Marriage was passed this essential point was ignored.   It seems to have all come down to the strange assumption that two people in love have a right to marry.   But why two people?   Why should love be restricted to two people?   In a p...

The Real Pope Francis

It might be deduced from my last post that I am anti-Pope Francis.  Nothing can be further from the truth.   In the case of the Encyclical he was surrounded by so called scientific advisers who led him a merry dance.  One a German whose name I cannot spell at the moment was a Climate Change fanatic and believed the world could not sustain more that 1 billion people.    So perhaps he will be opened to more moderate influences in the future.    No, the real Pope Francis is the one who speaks out against population control, indiscriminate abortion, and puts the family at the very centre of his teachings.  He also opposes the secular world in the  gender wars.   It is fitting then that such a Pope should have called for a Synod on the Family and is trying to bring us back to the teachings of Christ on this matter.    It is interesting that those who are vigorously supporting him on Climate Change will be the very ones who will be j...

Reactions to the Encyclical

I can only conclude that Pope Francis has been guided by experts I heard in local colleges in the 1980"s.  His over the top comments on preserving a 'fragile' earth and almost engaging the earth as God brings back memories of the 'tree hugging' and earth worshiping of those days.   Then there was the Age of the Goddess and other fanciful theories.    So there is nothing original in what Pope Francis said, he was obviously under the guidance of such people.   I did object to his assumption that the whole world is filth when after all he was only talking about the rich West and not the Africa and the poor East.  Then there was his worry about species being wiped out which we would all miss and we are responsible for, and to think this Pope also espouses Evolution and the survival of the fittest.  I am in my uneducated way an ecologist, I love love to be in a garden of beautiful flowers, I love to walk  through the woods and listen to the birds singi...

Does Pope Francis Really Believe the Church can be Popular?

One of the titles given to King James I of England and Scotland was that he was the 'Wisest Fool in Christendom'.  The problem for James was that he had left Scotland and was living with the English so felt obliged to prove that he was a man of wisdom in order to gain support.   He wanted to be popular.   Pope Francis I should say first is not acting to make himself popular but he is foolish enough to believe that he can make the Catholic Church popular.   From my viewpoint, though others may disagree, he has not contradicted any doctrines of the Church and at times as valiantly upheld them but the trouble is he believes he can uphold what the Church teaches in a popular way.   Hence the saying "Who am I to judge you" is good Catholic doctrine, judge the sin and not the sinner, but Pope Francis was deliberately misleading the world into believing that the Church really is not too bothered about homosexuality.   He got what he wanted - popularity.   And...

On Fairtrade and Black Babies.

When I was a small child I was encouraged to bring pennies into school to give to the 'black babies'   Of course it was a very patronising description and today would not pass the PC test.  But it was well meant as an encouragement to us to give to the poor.   I am beginning to feel this patronising aspect  when it comes to Fairtrade.  Yes, how good of us to buy jams and sweets and trinkets from Africa and feel very good about ourselves, but I once asked if they had any African Computers or Tablets.  It drew a blank and that is what is bothering me.   I could have equally asked for an African car or washing machine which would also have drawn a blank.   Africa has few large factories or manufacturing industries and has never caught up with the technical advances of our time.  But why when it is rich on resources or should I say fossil fuels should the continent be so backward?    Why are the people much poorer than we are?  The...

More on Climate Change.

“The gradual depletion of the ozone layer and the related greenhouse effect has now reached crisis proportions as a consequence of industrial growth, massive urban concentrations and vastly increased energy needs,” John Paul wrote. “Industrial waste, the burning of fossil fuels, unrestricted deforestation, the use of certain types of herbicides, coolants and propellant: all of these are known to harm the atmosphere and environment. The resulting meteorological and atmospheric changes range from damage to health to the possible future submersion of low-lying lands.” The above is a quote from Pope John Paul II which he made at a World Day for Peace in 1980.  Notice it was the Ozone Layer that was being destroyed by humans.   Unfortunately the Ozone layer righted itself and those seeking to use it as a weapon to control Capitalism and dictate the economic growth of world economy lost the battle.   But not for long.   Suddenly the idea of Global Warming was passed arou...

Control of the World through Climate Change Nonsense.

Did you know that the ice in the Antartic has now frozen over to its 1978 level?  The Polar Bears are quite safe. Did you know that there has been no significant increase in temperature since 2003 when Al Gore started his world tour? Did you know that Hurricane Watch has found that the increase in hurricane has not happened and in fact the numbers have gone down.  Yes there has been terrible disasters but there always has and always will be? Did you know that the Ozone layer is not a problem any more and perhaps humans were not responsible? Do you notice that Population Control is not spoken of anymore? Do you know that there are thousands of scientists who disagree with the idea of a Global Warming catastrophe but go along with Climate Change since there always has been change?  Did you know that the media ignores them even though some were members of Nasa and experts in weather. They were even ignored at the Vatican, in fact a microphone was taken from them. Did y...

Thoughts on Marriage: God Made Them Male and Female.

One of the Christian concepts that young people are giving up today is the concept of Marriage.   And  who can blame them.   They grow up in a world where sexual freedom is called liberation and young girls even before leaving school are sought out so that young men can 'be the first'.   Even in Catholic Schools the teachers are 'mature' and do the sensible thing in teaching condoms and contraception.  Of course when the Church tries to teach what Christ taught there is a distinction made between Christ and the Church and the Church is condemned despite scripture showing clearly that the Church  was following Christ.   But how can I support the Church when in the West it  has clearly lost its purpose. And I refer again to my previous posts on the 'building of the Kingdom' So is the teaching of Christ, not the Church, too difficult?  And how if we want, and many will not, get back to Christ?  Will we forever hear priests tell us marriage...

Beyond The Church Door

I know a young girl who was happy and had lots of friends.  She had a Mum and a Dad and had friends in her neighbourhood she played with.  Then Dad walked out to live with another woman and her life was cruelly changed.  OK she is luckier than most that her Father takes her at weekends but the downside of this is that she does not see her friends anymore.  She is devastated by he separation of her parents.  That love which she has a right to has been denied her and she no longer is the child she once was.    Then there is the case of the child of 12 who did not believe in God for if there was a God surely her family life would have been better, she never sees her Dad and she is now fostered from her Mother.   These are a couple of stories I know but many schoolteachers will tell you that they sometimes have to pick up the pieces of a child at school who has gone from a happy bright little thing to a lonely an unachieving one.   And every year...