The Dilemma of the Unborn. Will he or she be loved as God loves him or her?

I went to my local Alliance of Churches which was hosting the would be Parliamentary Candidates for my Constituency in a question time affair.   I remember the early years when yes, there were questions on Abortion and the killing of babies in the womb but such times are gone.    No questions came related to this topic.    In the Catholic Church in England about twenty years  ago in the Bishops guidance to voters there was the warning not to vote on single issues there was a storm of protest since it was obviously aimed at pro-lifers and the bishops have not mentioned the issue since even in their guidelines.   However as part of our 'new' and 'nice' Church there are many prelates and priests who still teach this as though it still came came from the Bishops.   Concern for these babies is no longer a part of the Catholic or Christian Faith and I even know members of a pro-life group who joined in order to 'give greater choice' to women.
It has always been part of the Catholic Faith that God created each individual in a unique way with a unique soul.   We also know that God can see the future of every living being he creates and his love for every living being is there on the Cross he carried.   Every one of us has a part to play written by God which we will enact in this world and be rewarded in Heaven.    Any Catholic who supports indiscriminate abortion and the killing of babies shows he has no love for God and to believe that God approves is blasphemy.    'But we have to be nice' comes the call 'we do not want people to feel guilty'     I despair.          


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