Whatever happened to Feminism?

I well remember the heady days at a Catholic Higher Education College.   The Spirit of Vatican II {which had nothing to do with Vatican II itself} was sweeping through the Church in England and Wales.   The  views of Tom, Dick, and Harriet were eagerly explored and delighted in while the documents of the Church, the source of true teaching were ignored.   The Catechism of the Catholic Church was sneared at before it had even been printed.   It was the age of the Prophet.   Suddenly everything was possible in the Church, we could now build a Church to suit ourselves and those who got in our way, the immature ones who still preferred to follow the Church were scorned as immature and effectively denied their Catholic beliefs and practices.   Many priests lost their way as groups of feminists and their supporters set themselves up to rule parishes and enforce their open mindedness.   In no time the Church was emptying.    I remember a seminary called St Peters in Cardross, Scotland.   In 1965 a new chapel was opened with great flourish for the 40+ students.  By 1975 there were but two students and the Church and seminary were abandoned.    Overnight the Church was changed from a strong faith to a weak and insipid one.    Then from the secular society came Feminism.  I attended their meetings and almost wept and the ignorance and insults.   Soon the English Bishops were giving them full support, women priests were almost inevitable, would be priests were asked if they would be able to work with the women in the priesthood, numbers in the Church and in the priesthood fell like lightening.   Then just as at the story of the seminary at Cardross things changed almost overnight.    The trouble was that the Feminists no only wanted the priesthood they wanted the Church changed.  As these demands became more outrageous the bishops backed away.   And there was one person the feminists hated above all others, Mary the mother of Jesus.   I remember at a feminist meeting a woman standing up and telling us she loved Mary, but not the Roman Mary, she loved Mary Magdalen.    There are many parishes which having set themselves to rule, they still cling to power and dictate an anti-catholic catechesis    I was at a meeting just this week where under the title Catholicism a series of Catholic beliefs were examined and at that particular meeting Mary was the subject.   Knowing that they would be there to snear I prepared myself for the contest.  It was a very good meeting since I and others made good positive contributions because of our love for Mary but underneath there was the undertone in questions and statements which showed that Marty was regarded by a few with anything but love.   At the end the bullying started.   The visions were just the imagination of others, one claimed she saw Mary but this was not real it was just her highly indoctrinated imagination.    The insulting conclusion was that the rest of us were just simpletons who believed in Marian Apparitions because we did not know any better.   Another person murmured that Mary was an obstacle to the poor women in the East.    They were really in full feminist mode so I decided to step in.    You women are just stupid, I said.   Father then called a halt to the meeting,  We will not go there he said.    I turned to the last speaker and told her that Feminism is now dead in the Catholic Church and we had moved on.   I include the last few sentences for your guidance when feminists and their hatred for Mary take over your meetings.    


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