Ecumenisim - the Great Delusion.

It all came in the seventies and eighties.  Suddenly it was a shameful thing to have been a Catholic prior to Vatican II.    What with the Latin Mass we obviously could not understand, believing in Transubstantiation, carrying the guilt of sin that made us cringe before God, having beautiful Churches with beautiful altars and beautiful  images of the Sacred Heart, Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Saints, and even worse having Tabernacles on the Altar which contained the Sacred Species which after all was just bread, and allowing people to pray to this object and even putting it in a ciborium for worship, well what a backward people we were. and all those devotions and holy pictures, people saying the Rosary, well that was all just too much for the new Ecumenical mind.    Well Vatican II did start off with the German Karl Rahner complaining that if we gave a document on Mary this would put the ecumenical movement back ten years.   So the truth was out, truth was to be sacrificed so that we could all be pals together.   And of course we did not need the Pope any longer we could just read the Bible like Protestants and make up our own minds for after all truth was just opinion and the Catholics did not have any more right to proclaim they were the truth Christ revealed than any other Church.   We were all branches of the ONE Christian Church.     This was the Spirit of Vatican II.    And of course the trouble with Catholics was that they had thought they were the only ones going to heaven.   I have mentioned so many things that someone not acquainted with the seventies and eighties could accuse me of of ridiculous exaggeration, yet there is not one thing I have mentioned which cannot be proved by fact and my own experience.   Sadly there were priests and bishops who revelled in it.   And of course it was the Catholic Church playing its part in the great new idea of Ecumenism.    Catholic representatives in this movement were ready to surrender any and every Catholic teaching to appease their Protestant brethren who gave up on their part - absolutely nothing and spent the seventies and eighties moving further and further away from the Catholic Church and their representatives whom they would have regarded as sick puppies..    But we did have priests who accepted all the anti-catholic biogeny of there Protestant counterparts.   We should have married priests in the Catholic Church.   We should have women priests in the Catholic Church.  We do not need priests at all.   It was a period of shame and that will be the verdict of future generations.   Father, or should I say Mother, forgive us our trespasses.


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