Hypocricy at its Worst
While receiving the Blessed Sacrament this morning I knocked into a woman who had just received the Chalice. Returning to our seats she apologised to me. After Mass I thanked her for the apology but it was really my fault. It was a morning when the First Holy Communicants were present and I asked if the little girl on her knee was one of them. `O no, she replied she is not ready. I then asked how old the child was. Nine came the reply. I refrained from entering politics and asking her who was filling her head with such nonsense, but instead told her about Pope Pius X and how he had consulted the bishops of the world before an agreement was made in the Church that seven was the correct age and that this Pontiff had on talking to a five year old and hearing merely that he believed Jesus was indeed in the Sacrament had allowed him to make his First Holy Communion. That was the only requirement, not understanding or profound knowledge. The woman agreed that perhaps after all she would allow her child to make her First Communion this year. Now let me turn to politics. About ten years ago in my parish the decision was made by Catechists that the children had to be eight years old before they were allowed to receive in my parish. I protested, sent them news of all that Pope Pius had done, and even that the age of seven was quoted in Canon Law. I was ignored. When I brought the question up at a Catechist meeting I was sneered at and later asked by the then parish priest to resign as a Catechist. Now the people sneering were those who would never kneel at adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, indeed they regarded it as only bread, nothing happened at the altar until you sat again in your pew as part of the Community. Nor are these catechists seen going to or leaving the Confessional, yet they prepare children for their First Confession. I have never in my life come across such hypocrisy or should I be judgemental and say such hypocrites, I am sure Jesus would agree, and speak of them as he spoke to the Pharisees. What chance have our children while they espouse their Protestant views in a Catholic Church?.
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