Whatever happened to Feminism?
I well remember the heady days at a Catholic Higher Education College. The Spirit of Vatican II {which had nothing to do with Vatican II itself} was sweeping through the Church in England and Wales. The views of Tom, Dick, and Harriet were eagerly explored and delighted in while the documents of the Church, the source of true teaching were ignored. The Catechism of the Catholic Church was sneared at before it had even been printed. It was the age of the Prophet. Suddenly everything was possible in the Church, we could now build a Church to suit ourselves and those who got in our way, the immature ones who still preferred to follow the Church were scorned as immature and effectively denied their Catholic beliefs and practices. Many priests lost their way as groups of feminists and their supporters set themselves up to rule parishes and enforce their open mindedness. In no time the Church was emptying. I remember a semina...