The Great Bible Scam
Some years ago I visited a neighbouring parish to hear a talk on the History of the Bible. The speaker was one of the well paid diocesan bureaucrats. She started off by telling us how Cathoics had been forbidden to read the bible until of course Vatican II. I pointed out that this was not true and roused derision on all sides. There were people of my age present in the Church but colluded in this lie by their silence. She went on to talk about `them`. They did this, they did that, they decided the Canon, et. I asked someone to ask who she was referring to by `they` since I was out of favour, but nobody bothered. As I said in my title the whole thing was a scam and this scam was being played out in parishes where only those who had moved on to this kind of thing were given any power. The Catholic church was blasted for keeping the people in ignorance and in my parish to prove the point they invited a Protestant Minister to talk to poor ignorant Catholics. Great prophets were to be heard leading astray even the elect as Jesus had foretold. If there are people interested in learning about the Pre-VaticanII Church and the Bible they could do no better that turn to Pope Leo XIII and his encyclical Providentissimus Deus a beautifully written document which also GAVE CATHOLIS AN INDULGENCE OF 300 DAYS IF THEY READ SCRIPTURE FOR AT LEASY 15 MINUTES in any day. And the `they` that was referred to in the talk were the Catholic Bishops of the 5th Century who drew up the Canon of Scripture and proclaimed certain letters as the Word of God. The defining line was that they had to be written by the Apostles or their contemporaries. But this was not straight forward for Pope Clement I and Ignatius of Antioch were contemporaries but their letters were not included. It took three Councils at Hippo and Carthage before the Bishops were satisfied and the Pope ratified their decision. Hence the Bible is very much a Catholic Book. The Church also preserved the Books of the bible by using priests and monks to recopy the fading texts throughout the centuries. I bought my first bible when I was 10. It was the translation by Ronald Knox a convert from Anglicanism who through Scripture, like Cardinal Newman, found himself believing in the Catholic Church. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, the Story of a Soul by St Therese, the writings of so many great saints attest to their knowledge of this Catholic Book. To ignore the Catholicity in the Bible, to try and make it an ecumenical book, is probably the greatest lie and the greatest scam the supporters of the Spirit of Vatican II attempted.
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