So Why Did Catholic Education Fail?

What happened was exactly what happened at the Synod on Marriage a few weeks ago - dishonesty. Those reviewing what was said completely distorted the Fathers views. A committee which would destroy Catholic Education and bring it into line with ecumenism was set up and the purge began. A trusting Cardinal Heenan appointed Father Hubert Richards to run Corpus Christi College in Westminster and teachers and administrators were sent from all over England to be betrayed by this priest. Since the Devil was in charge it became a place of scandal with nuns and priest forsaking their vocations to marry. Indeed Hubert Richards himself ran off with a nun. Cardinal Heenan who was as trusting as the lay people eventually acted and closed the College but the damage had been done and teaching the catholic faith in Catholic schools became a thing of the past. In colleges and seminaries the new ideology was embraced and God help any of the faithful who quoted the Bible or the Catechism. They were seen as stuck in the past` and were certainly not allowed to influence the parish in any way. As always those who preach against dogmatism are always the worst dogmatists. Many young people return to the church an will tell you that in school they were robbed of their Catholic Faith. It is interesting that it is only the orthodox Catholics with a few exceptions who are returning to the church and changing things and starting to turn the clock back.


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