The Great Bible Scam
Some years ago I visited a neighbouring parish to hear a talk on the History of the Bible. The speaker was one of the well paid diocesan bureaucrats. She started off by telling us how Cathoics had been forbidden to read the bible until of course Vatican II. I pointed out that this was not true and roused derision on all sides. There were people of my age present in the Church but colluded in this lie by their silence. She went on to talk about `them`. They did this, they did that, they decided the Canon, et. I asked someone to ask who she was referring to by `they` since I was out of favour, but nobody bothered. As I said in my title the whole thing was a scam and this scam was being played out in parishes where only those who had moved on to this kind of thing were given any power. The Catholic church was blasted for keeping the people in ignorance and in my parish to prove the point they invited a Protestant Minister to talk to poor ignorant Catholics. Great prophets were t...