Change is Coming

 Again with the Church we have celebrated Good Friday and Easter Sunday.   The Church called us to penance for out failings during Lent, and we as Catholics responded.   We had the joy of confession, and the humility of receiving Jesus indeed being joined to Him in a very intimate way through Holy Communion, who died for us on the cross and then rose from the dead, so that His flesh could be our nourishment.  We could in our turn become Christlike and build His Kingdom on earth as He asked us to do at his Ascension.   Jesus said "If you love me, keep my Commandments", so how much we love Jesus is measured by our obedience to His will.   There is no room for pride and pretence.  Jesus taught against adulterous relationships and he taught chastity before marriage.    So what is our response?   How much do we love Him?   Do we go off to some false prophet and decide  we can 'follow our conscience'?   Or follow the many new prophets who tell us in many different ways that 'Jesus got it wrong'.   Well that is OK then, we can be 'mature Catholics' to whom Jesus means very little.   Do we keep faithful to our marriage vows or consider that we can divorce and remarry?   God is merciful and does not mind, despite what Jesus said, the Holy Ghost teaches us now, not Jesus.    And then does it matter if we do not really believe that the consecrated bread is the flesh of Jesus, a teaching which through the writings of St Ignatius of Antioch a contemporary of the apostles, we know was believed in the early Church, or has ecumenism persuaded many Catholics that the Catholic Jesus gave us too many rules which are out of fashion today among Protestants, so we should change the Catholic Church and 'persecute' those Catholics who still take up their cross and follow Him.

During the Triduum last week I was very impressed on Good Friday with the large attendance of  Asian families at our Church, this was repeated at the Sunday Mass.   They had teenage children with them, which was a contrast to the UK families whose sons and daughters were driven out of the Church by the false teachings in schools and parishes.   In my blog I have recalled my experiences of how catechesis was changed 40 to 50 years ago.   But those days are gone and today we need a new Church which reflects the Catholic values of our Eastern European neighbours, our Asian communities, and indeed our African Communities and we who were described as 'living in the past' or 'not living in the real world'.   We still have people clinging to power who were elected to a Parish Council many many years ago and although they were enthusiastic about the changes they made, and still remain enthusiastic about the fruits, I suppose they mean that people are now mature enough to think for themselves.  Despite the  its failures.   Every parish should now have a diverse parish council elected where Jesus is restored in the Tabernacle on the central altar, for He is truly present in the flesh, and where we do not hear any more the false claim that 'the legislation of the Church is against having Jesus there'.     But also devotion to Mary was part of the Church from the earliest times, when from the beginning she was seen as the New Eve, who unlike the old Eve was born immaculate in her soul but unlike the old Eve remained faithful to God and without sin.    The teaching of the Church is certainly challenging in this day and age but nevertheless there are new priests coming through and increasing just as the old unfaithful priests are decreasing.   Change comes slowly and almost imperceptibly but it happens.    

May God Bless you and keep you safe, and may your children be blessed as we enter a new age   


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