The Ukrainian Bishops and Fatima

 The Bishops of the Ukraine have asked Pope Francis to dedicate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  There is no better time than now when the lust for war has corrupted President Putin.   Now I know that many good Catholics believe that this was already done by Pope St John Paul 11, but the evidence is that he did not.    There were many 'advisers' in the Vatican who criticised what he was doing, and pointed out that the Orthodox Church would be offended, that Russia would be offended, and so many other problems would arise.   The Pope listened and eventually never mentioned Russia at all in his dedication of the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.   But Mary had asked that Russia be mentioned specifically.   There was a news item that Lucia had said the dedication was in accordance with Our Mother's wishes, but there was a great deal of controversy over a photograph of Lucia, was it really her?   And we never did know the question that was asked of her.   Am I saying that there were deceivers in the Vatican.   Surely I do not need to answer as members of the Church are asked to fill in 10 questions for a Synod which is already causing massive confusion, but the experts in the Vatican will eventually give out the results they have already decided upon.    Of course they will.

So let us pray that Russia will indeed be dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.   Or is it only the 'rigid traditionalists' who take Jesus and Mary seriously who are asking? 


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