The Ten Questions for a Parish Synod

 The Journeying Companions


Speaking Out


Co-responsibility in the Mission

Dialogue in Church and Society

With the Other Denominations

Authority and Participation

Discerning and Deciding

Forming Ourselves in Synodality

It has been decided by the Bishop, and I am not criticising him, for this is the task he has been given, that every parishioner will be given t questions on a sheet with spaces given to answer them.   The majority will of course have no idea what the questions mean, although those who have been engaged in the war of the two sides in the Church, Catholic and Modernist, will be well aware.   The question of course is who will be allowed to speak and guide the people?

Let me make a distinction.   Catholics are people who go to confession, who adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and wish to adore when they receive the flesh of Christ on their knees.   There is no law in the Church which says that they cannot.    Catholics also say the Rosary, but Modernists do not since there is a reluctance to accept Mary.    Modernists also have difficulty in following the commandments of Jesus on matters of sex and marriage.   Modernists believe such commandments are out of date and serve no purpose.   They also believe the Holy Spirit is guiding them in their rejection and making the Church more 'adult'.

I will go through each question and give my guidance which has been shaped over 50 years of what I believe is faithfulness to Christ and His Church.

By the way when I typed the word 'synodality' my PC put a red mark under the word, in other words it is a new word that has just been made up, and neither the PC nor I actually know what it means. 


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