Second Question: Listening
Listening is a very important word. It is used so often in the Church over the past fifty years. There are people a confused person entering into the Church is told to listen to, and there are people from whom a resounding "Don't listen to him or her" is almost spoken in anger. I fit into the latter category but I prefer it that way. I do not advertise my blog too much for the followers I seek are not supporters, I prefer in England a small number of people to read my blog my detractors, for I know that they will always look in, just in case they can catch me out on something or contradict me. I am a constant reminder to them of the folly of their ways. I get good support from America, and there are three people in Portugal who constantly look into the blog. I now have about 500 reads a month, so I am not a top blog by any means. I once wrote a blog where overnight 800 people ...