The Shameless Destruction of the Unborn
A few years back I was sitting on a bus when this young girl about 15 year old began a conversation with someone a little distance from her. The whole bus head the conversation. She was pregnant but afraid to tell her mother. I did wish that I had had a Life card on me to slip into her hand on the way off. From the rest of her conversation I knew she was from a loving family The trouble is that too many young girls just like her are finding themselves in this situation and whether she went to a clinic to destroy the cilld or kept the little one I do not know but one thing I do know is that this society we live in is very much to blame and when the Catholic Church sits on the sidelines with no interest in them at all, the what does following Christ really mean. I suppose it means just to the point where it becomes inconvenient.
I did to mention the word abortion in man opening paragraph, for abortion is when the body on its own volition decides to destroy the baby, be it in a miscarriage or the death of the unborn child. That is abortion. No, the deliberate act of another agency outside the body deciding to end the pregnancy is not abortion but the wilful killing of the unborn child. Young girls like the one on my bus will not want to kill their own flesh and blood, but the slick words like 'fetus', 'not human', 'only a blob', 'your body your choice', will soon persuade them that there is no real problem. Everyone accepts abortion, it is no big deal. I know of many older women now living lonely lives who can always remember and regret the date of their baby being killed. Unfortunately many are persuaded, and many more go on to enjoy the freedom and the ability to destroy when something goes wrong, but it is an illusion. Soon they use men as much as men use them, and finally destroy any notion of love inside them. Of course this does not mean that all women experience this, some do. I used to attend a Trade Union Conference, where married men away from their wives on official business paired off with married women who had done the same. Their partners at home would have been deeply hurt, but sex without commitment is the story of our day. For the women there were no fears of pregnancy, since there was always the quick fix. But then how many grew tired of their husbands and wives who could not give sex like a stranger.
Reading the encyclical Humanae Vitae by Paul VI this sort state of affairs was foretold. Contraception would lead to abortions and the break up of marriages, but who cared. We were no longer tied to the Church three Reformer cried, we can follow our own conscience. But the killing of the unborn was always condemned by the Church. James 2:20 says this "The Body without the Spirit is dead" What he is saying is that the body grows and is alive only because there is present within it a soul. If the child in the womb is growing it is because it already has a soul, and if that soul leaves the child is dead. Pope John Paul II declared that the Church teaching on abortion is unchanged and changeable, He said " I declare that direct abortion that is abortion willed as an end, or a means always constitutes a grave moral disorder since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being". Would it not be wonderful for faithful Catholics if a priest forsaking popularity would stand up in the pulpit and teach Christ. Many I know would do so but are afraid, but those others would not dare who follow their own conscience or consider themselves mature and who do to follow Christ in this matter or any other, and believe the "Supremacy of the Pope lies in Love and to Authority" as I once heard one of those 'experts' say, there were many of such experts being sent around the diocese under a former bishop.
Then who will stand up now for the Polish people from out pulpits, who face intimidation from Europe and hate in their streets from those thirsting for the blood of the little ones. And at this time there is a Catholic Jesuit Priest in America, a Father James Martin, I name him because he is evil, who has just put the rainbow colours of the Gay community behind a statue of The Black Madonna of Czestochowa and put it on the internet. Please pray for Poland
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us.
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