
Showing posts from February, 2021


One of many false attacks used in the 70s and 80s was that Catholics thought they were the inly ones going to h

Thy Kingdom Come,

 One of the teachings of the Church from the time of the Apostles is that adultery is wrong,    Adultery is not a relationship with a married person, which is as popular myth, but two people engaged in sex outside of marriage.   Jesus in the Gospels condemned this practice and indeed made this comment   'You have heard it said Thou shall not commit adultery, but I say to you, if anyone looks at a woman to lust after her he has already committed adultery with her in his heart'.      Now I wonder in how many bible study groups this particular passage is studied?   If you start lusting after women then the sexual urge within you is so powerful that it becomes like a drug dominating your personality, and the power of love which sexual attraction is there to satisfy, becomes a selfish taking for pleasure of another to whom there is no commitment.   You become a slave to your passion and soon find it difficult to follow the...

Disney and free speach

 I was reading of the sacking of a Disney star.  She had commented on how in Germany before the jews could be arrested there wa s a campaign to turn their neighbours against them.  this was true.   I remember after the war being told of films being shown in German cinemas mocking the jews and exaggerating their appearance and making them look like monkeys.   Then there was the work in schools where making fun became scorn and hate.   Many parents who tried support the jews were reported by their own children.   Yes children are easily misled as indeed they are today as they are used by ruthless politicians.   She compared the actions in Germany to the spreading of hate today.  this was too much for disney.  what do you think? n much for Disney

Why I am Writing This Blog

 Every so often I have to stop and ask myself why I am still writing this blog, which although encouraged by many is deplorable to others.    The first answer is to show my faith in Jesus Christ and his Church, I believe he taught a way of life that would make the world a happier place if followed.   I believe that those who teach "God made you the way you are" have alienated thousands of young people from his teaching, leading them to adultery and sexual pleasure without commitment, which means using the body of another purely for selfish pleasure.   This  has led to single parent poverty, and fatherless children, none of which Christ wanted in HIs kingdom.   And let me be clear on this, there are very few working class parents who choose to be single parents., their poverty is an injustice we will answer for at the day of judgment.   Someone lower in mentality than the animals just got woman pregnant then walked. off.  Politicias tell you i...

The Shameless Destruction of the Unborn

 A few years back I was sitting on a bus when this young girl about 15 year old began a conversation with someone a little distance from her.   The whole bus head the conversation.   She was pregnant but afraid to tell her mother.   I did wish that I had had a Life card on me to slip into her hand on the way off.   From the rest of her conversation I knew she was from a loving family   The trouble is that too many young girls just like her are finding themselves in this situation and whether she went to a clinic to destroy the cilld or kept the little one I do not know but one thing I do know is that this society we live in is very much to blame and when the Catholic Church sits on the sidelines with no interest in them at all, the what does following Christ really mean.   I suppose it means just to the point where it becomes inconvenient. I did to mention the word abortion in man opening paragraph, for abortion is when the body on its own volition dec...

The Satanic Attack on the Blessed Sacrament

 Of all the attempts to destroy the Catholic Faith in the 70's and 80's the attacks on the Blessed Sacrament were the most despicable.   For me it began one Saturday morning when parents of the Catholic school my sons were attending, were invited to a meeting to discuss the new catechism my sons were to be taught.    Many things raised my eyebrow but none more than the absence of any teaching on the Eucharist.     Young and immature I nevertheless stood up and told the teachers that without any teaching on the Blessed Sacrament the pupils would lose their catholic faith.   I was ignored of course.   At a First Holy Communion preparation I asked the Catechist if they taught  the Real Presence and her answer was "O they are far too young to understand that".   I did not answer I was so shocked.   Today I am 83 and I still have made no progress in understanding this mystery.   Yet young people do not try to understand, they believ...