Every so often I have to stop and ask myself why I am still writing this blog, which although encouraged by many is deplorable to others. The first answer is to show my faith in Jesus Christ and his Church, I believe he taught a way of life that would make the world a happier place if followed. I believe that those who teach "God made you the way you are" have alienated thousands of young people from his teaching, leading them to adultery and sexual pleasure without commitment, which means using the body of another purely for selfish pleasure. This has led to single parent poverty, and fatherless children, none of which Christ wanted in HIs kingdom. And let me be clear on this, there are very few working class parents who choose to be single parents., their poverty is an injustice we will answer for at the day of judgment. Someone lower in mentality than the animals just got woman pregnant then walked. off. Politicias tell you i...