A great number of Christians are taking part in the Black Lives Matter movement. Their young people are coming out of colleges and universities determined that they will make a difference, they will bring justice to the world. Older people can remember their own young ideals, so they march with them, not quite knowing why they are doing so. The movement that university and college lecturers have prepared the young people for is 'Black Lives Matter'. It does have an honest ring to it, people believe they are marching for all the black people who are discriminated against, by thugs and name calling, many whites find jobs but they do not. It is indeed a sad picture, but just how wide is this and are we justified in calling it 'systemic racism'. This is the point where I feel uneasy. I then start to find out from where Black Lives Matter originated It started in a place called Ferguson during the Obama era. The police arrested a black man whose name was Brown, he resisted arrest and ran off and was shot. Witnesses testified to this. Unfortunately the story was put round that he had not resisted arrest and put his hands up in surrender and then was shot and sos began the Black Lives Matter organisation. If you are interested in the truth then by all means look it up, if you are not interested in truth but only a cause, then go along with the usual "Don't listen to him" advice you will get. The case of George Floyd, I was fully interested in. Any policeman putting his knee on any one's neck was a disgrace. So the video of the incident I watched carefully. Yes, I shouted out that it was a disgrace that the policeman was putting his knee on the neck of Floyd, I was disgusted. Then the commentator afterwards mentioned that this was a recognised restraint method in America. An officer had been standing waiting to push any intruder back and seemed so calm. So that was it. He was waiting for the restraint method to work. Unfortunately such a technique was dangerous and should never have been used. This led me to believe that this method was used widely on both black and white people. Certainly there was a man called Tempa who was white and died after manhandling by the police. But I do not believe for one minute that a black man was brutally murdered in Minneapolis deliberately by the police. And I do not believe that people breaking into shops and helping themselves to TV's, jewels, and anything they could put their hands on was a genuine anger on the death of George Floyd. It was mob rule which was followed in other cities, and in St Louis a man of 77 was murdered by the looters as he tried to protect a friend's shop. It was little commented on, the man was black, and over 6,000 people attended his funeral. His name was David Dorn. HIs black life did not matter as thugs crashed into the shop with, I am afraid, the support of the media. Mob rule can never be called 'just anger'.
What worries me is that with the export of BLM to the UK, we are seeing our own police force being attacked as the BLM tries to accuse them of being 'systemically racist' We just had a story in the news tonight of a young black drug dealer being tasered by the police as he ran off. He claimed he was only tasered and injured because he was black and the BBC tried hard to make this story credible. Yet last week on the BBC, I saw a video of a black man being arrested in Atlanta. He was being handcuffed when he struggled free and ran off with a taser in his hand. He the stopped and turned to face the pursing officer with the taser he possessed ready to shoot. The officer shot first and the black man died. Yet, the Mayor of Atlanta had him arrested for firing at a man who was running away, and was full of police brutality not happening here. I think we were not meant to see the end of the video.
I am not against statues being pulled down. But I prefer there should be some kind of trial, or discussion. Pulling them down by mob rule just kills the discussion on them. On Coulson, yes let us discuss and then pull it down. We could ask how he managed to acquire so many slaves. How did he mange to purchase them. Where? How did they get to America? Since the slave trade was organised who was the organiser?. And especially, in the beginning who started it? I am sure my friends in America will be fired up to answer. But my friends in the UK will only say "Don't listen to him"
What worries me is that with the export of BLM to the UK, we are seeing our own police force being attacked as the BLM tries to accuse them of being 'systemically racist' We just had a story in the news tonight of a young black drug dealer being tasered by the police as he ran off. He claimed he was only tasered and injured because he was black and the BBC tried hard to make this story credible. Yet last week on the BBC, I saw a video of a black man being arrested in Atlanta. He was being handcuffed when he struggled free and ran off with a taser in his hand. He the stopped and turned to face the pursing officer with the taser he possessed ready to shoot. The officer shot first and the black man died. Yet, the Mayor of Atlanta had him arrested for firing at a man who was running away, and was full of police brutality not happening here. I think we were not meant to see the end of the video.
I am not against statues being pulled down. But I prefer there should be some kind of trial, or discussion. Pulling them down by mob rule just kills the discussion on them. On Coulson, yes let us discuss and then pull it down. We could ask how he managed to acquire so many slaves. How did he mange to purchase them. Where? How did they get to America? Since the slave trade was organised who was the organiser?. And especially, in the beginning who started it? I am sure my friends in America will be fired up to answer. But my friends in the UK will only say "Don't listen to him"
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