Good Queen Bess.

Is this not a beautiful tomb,. You could call it a triumphant tomb for it is built over the body of Queen Mary Tudor, but there is a plaque on the tomb which tells you this. It marks the triumph of Protestantism over Catholicism. And thousands every year come to pay homage to 'Good Queen Bess' But I am not intending to start Catholic v Protestant wars, Elizabeth has a much better claim to fame. She, with her Commander of the fleet Admiral Hawkins, in order to bri ng more money in to fill the English coffers decided to move Africans from Africa to supply the needs of the new American and West Indies plantations for workers. They would be cheap labour and what better than slavery. So treating black people as commodities, Hawkins used at first three large English ships to move the slaves but soon other adventurous seafarers got into the trade. With shouts of triumph, recently, two statues of wealthy merchants who indulged in slavery have been brought down, but besides myself...