
Showing posts from June, 2020

Good Queen Bess.

Is this not a beautiful tomb,. You could call it a triumphant tomb for it is built over the body of Queen Mary Tudor, but there is a plaque on the tomb which tells you this. It marks the triumph of Protestantism over Catholicism. And thousands every year come to pay homage to 'Good Queen Bess' But I am not intending to start Catholic v Protestant wars, Elizabeth has a much better claim to fame. She, with her Commander of the fleet Admiral Hawkins, in order to bri ng more money in to fill the English coffers decided to move Africans from Africa to supply the needs of the new American and West Indies plantations for workers. They would be cheap labour and what better than slavery. So treating black people as commodities, Hawkins used at first three large English ships to move the slaves but soon other adventurous seafarers got into the trade. With shouts of triumph, recently, two statues of wealthy merchants who indulged in slavery have been brought down, but besides myself...


Such assumptions that the family of a mother and father protecting their children, which is modelled throughout nature, is in fact only one form of family and we can arrange family forms according to what we wish, militate against secure family life. They are evil. And the results of that evil are troubled and insecure children, increases in mental instability, over-dependence on psychotherapeutic medications, and ultimately, lawlessness.

Confessions of a Racist

I am having to reconcile myself with the fact that I am a racist.   I will not march with BLM and even worse, I defend the police.     I go even to the depths of claiming that racism is not systemic in the UK.   How did I sink to such a level? I think it is because I am an older person.   You know, we were brought up never to accept anything as true, until we had solid evidence.   We also read about the rise of Hitler and how the  Communists won Russia, by crushing free speech and personal freedoms.   It was a good education and our teachers never once tried to win us over to their point of view.   So how did I become a racist?   I think it was this urge within me to question everything and even to look things up rather than being one of the sheep who follow the latest fashions in thought, so that they are one of the crowd.   I still am a challenge to many people in the Portsmouth Diocese who followed the myths of Vatican 11, I go...

I will speak the Truths of the Catholic Church whatever the cost.

There is a comment on Bishop Barron, a California Bishop, who resented what Marshall said.   His reply was that bishops are not Police Officers,  or leaders of the Flock.   The public Space is for the laity.  And jVatican I decided this.    I am always amazed at just how many things were decided that were never discussed by the Fathers of the Council.    NO, NO, THE BISHOPS ARE THE REPRESENTATIVES OF CHRIST, THEY SHOULD BE THE IMAGE OF JESUS STANDING AMONG US,.   WOULD CHRIST TURN HIS BACK ON HIS PEOPLE.    THE DAY OF PLERSECUTION IS HERE, BISHOP BARRON, ARE YOU READY TO STAND WITH YOUR PEOPLE, AND IF SOME DIE WILL YOU SAY "SORRY VATICAN II SAID I WAS NOT TO INTERFERE.   ONLY THE LAITY SHOULD BE ATTACKED AND PROSECUTED. The heading of this blog is a message from me to, let us say, people with strong feelings about what I write.   Just to inform them I will continue this blog, for I love and cherish the truths handed ...


A great number of Christians are taking part in the Black Lives Matter movement.  Their young people are coming out of colleges and universities determined that they will make a difference, they will bring justice to the world.   Older people can remember their own young ideals, so they march with them, not quite knowing why they are doing so.    The movement that university and college lecturers have prepared the young people for is 'Black Lives Matter'.   It does have an honest ring to it, people believe they are marching for all the black people who are discriminated against, by thugs and name calling, many whites find jobs but they do not.   It is indeed a sad picture, but just how wide is this and are we justified in calling it 'systemic racism'.    This is the point where I feel uneasy.   I then start to find out from where Black Lives Matter originated     It started in a place called Ferguson during the Obama era.   The...

A Black History of Britain

A BRIEF BLACK HISTORY OF BRITAIN......There are two photos here. One is of Queen Elizabeth 1 and the other of William Wilberforce. The lady started England's involvement in the Slave trade and the gentleman ended it. Elizabeth loved riches and possessions Indeed although she was not at war with Spain she would finance Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake to act as pirates on the Atlantic, plundering Spanish ships for the gold and wealth they were carrying from the N ew World,, just as long as she got her share. But she saw another source of income. The rich landowners who had crossed to America were short of labour to work on  projects, especially Cotton. She with Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Hawkins, decided to arrange slave ships to carry the blacks they could buy from chiefs, or Arab Traders, over to the new world. It was a very lucrative trade indeed. William Wilberforce was an Evangelical Christian. One of the main influences on his life was a man called Newton who h...

William Wilberforce and Lord Shaftesbury

Abolition of the Slave Trade Wilberforce led the campaign for the abolition of the slave trade in Parliament, whilst the Abolition society collected evidence and organised petitions. Leaflets, songs and badges were distributed to rally public opinion. However, their opponents were also well organised and fought back with their own propaganda. The progress of abolition was halted by the outbreak of the French revolution and a slave rebellion in San Domingo, but in 1807 the Act to abolish the Slave trade was finally passed, a great victory for Wilberforce and his friends. They believed that slaves would now be treated more humanely as the supply of slaves dwindled, but the illegal slave trade flourished. Five years later, Wilberforce resigned his Yorkshire seat in favour of a quieter constituency, preferring to spend more time with his family. During his final years in the Commons he was attacked for not helping the poor in Britain. In 1815 he supported the Corn Laws which raised th...

This is a True account of the Battle between Good and Evil.



IF YOU ARE NOT CONFUSED BY THE CONTRADICTORY MESSAGES ON THE APPROACH TO COVID 19 WOULD YOU PLEASE HELP ME OUT. So here goes. WE were told that 90% of people who died from Covid 19 were over 65 and some fine tuning this morning on the BbC told us that three quarters of the deaths were in people over 75. A quick mathematical calculation tell s me then that if there were 45,000 deaths then only 4,500 occurred in those not over 65, WE further find that the younger you ar e the less you are at risk. Now only 1 child is said to have died of Covid 19 and the risk increases as you grow older. Indeed figures from Italy indicated that only a very few die from the disease who are under 40. My question then is why are the children not back at school? Now some may murmur 'asymptomatic' But the World Heath Organisation has just confirmed that there is no such thing as asymptomatic Covid 19. So why are the children not back in school. Now I and many others have been following lockdown fai...

What secularists can learn from the Catholic Church

 When I was living in Glasgow I never met a black person. I left Glasgow in the 1960's and I knew there were Pakistani immigrants in the city but I never met any. When I arrived in London however and went to Mass on Sunday there were an awful lot of black people. But they were all Catholics. I became a parish visitor to the immigrants and they were mostly Jamaican but a few from St Lucia. WAs it just because I met them in a place of lo ve that I had no difficulty? That certainly was a key. We were all Catholics, we were all children of God. Then I joined a little club called McCarthys Cellar. There I met South African Blacks and one in particular I was really fond of, but race never enters my thoughts. I remember one day going on a Bus outing to Brighton. On the bus I sat beside a young black girl from th Cameroons, she was very black. We got on like a house on fire and I remember us walking hand in hand along Brighton Pier. From the corner of my eye I sa the astonishment in one m...