A Reflection n My Last Post
Wheb I wrote my last post on the early Church it was the result of my reading the text. Much later I began to reflect on what I had written. Yes, Mary was the new Eve, but she was the virgin who had kept faithful to God and her offspring would not be contaminated in its humanity with the weakness brought about by original sin. Certainly Jesus was her Son and she had given him his unblemished hunaanity. Jesus was fresh of her flesh In Revelations 12 we read of that great sign of a woman clothed with the sun and a crown on her head. We read on that the serpent was ready to devour her son to whom she was giving birth but he failed and so he went after her other children. Who were her other children? We are. But how can we become children of Mary? The answer is by receiving Jesus in Hoy Communion. For those glorious moments our flesh becomes his flesh and we become His Brother and His mother is our mother. We are no longer children of Eve, but of Mary. That was always the plan of God that through May we receive Jesus. We are united to one another in our Communion not just as a community but as a family. Our sinfulness is redeemed by being another creation that the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary brought into being. We are christians, the children of God, called to bring the rest of the world into our family.
Today the Church is often accused of making toto much of Mary. How an she be co-redeemer for example. It was by giving Jesus her humanity that enabled the Father to bring his son into the world. How can she be the Immaculate Conception? That was not just t make her fitting for her role as mother of the Saviour, but to be the new Eve, the mother of all who are redeemed in Christ, the new start for humanity. The reception of Holy Communion then is not just something that we do, it is for everyone on earth. Why become a Catholic? To be born into this new creation of men and women, to be Children of Mary.
Today the Church is often accused of making toto much of Mary. How an she be co-redeemer for example. It was by giving Jesus her humanity that enabled the Father to bring his son into the world. How can she be the Immaculate Conception? That was not just t make her fitting for her role as mother of the Saviour, but to be the new Eve, the mother of all who are redeemed in Christ, the new start for humanity. The reception of Holy Communion then is not just something that we do, it is for everyone on earth. Why become a Catholic? To be born into this new creation of men and women, to be Children of Mary.
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