How do we come to terms as a church with the Homosexual question?   Recently I read a letter in a Catholic Magazine which claimed that the Church could not carry on being bigoted and narrow minded.    Of course in the secular world the Church has few supporters and is harshly dismissed on a daily basis.  

I found an interesting question being asked though in a critical letter I read.    Where would Christ stand on the question?   I do not know if Christ did speak on the subject for not everything he said was reported but one thing I do know is that he would not have come  out with dogmatic phrases like "it is intrinsically evil".   There is one thing we can say and that is that the early Church was against Sodomy and Sodomy is the practise of homosexuality.Romans 1.   Yet the point is not that scripture quotes sodomy as wrong but that the Church has taught from early times that Sodomy is wrong.    As a Roman Catholic I recognise that the Church does not get its Authority from Scripture but that Scripture gets its authority from the Church.   Call me backward, call me a sheep, but I will never argue a case on scripture alone.  We have had since the Bible was printed thousands of "experts' with different interpretations  They stand at about 25,000 sects.     They all argued at one point that they had the fullness of revelation but now the vast majority have abandoned this idea  and only the Catholic Church still maintains it is the True Church and this is called by the others 'triumphalism'

So with the certainty that the Church is correct in speaking of homosexual acts, not as intrinsically evil, but rather a way of life that God does not want for us, what would Jesus say to a homosexual    I think he would say "This is not what I created sex for and I never meant you to live this way.  So please, will you take up your cross and follow me"   He would want the homosexual to give up  sex for the good of true marriage and true happiness.   "My yoke is easy and my burden is light"  The road to Heaven is not easy for any of us.   Yes we need people with same sex attraction to come to our Catholic Churches but as sinners like the rest of us.

What is moral cannot be judged by popular opinion.   Jesus came to show us the safe path to God and we cannot ignore him.     To the homosexual he is saying "Do you love me enough?   Do you trust me?  Can you give up everything for me?"


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