
Showing posts from April, 2018

Communion Why it Failed Part 2

One of the things Jesus stressed was that you would know what was from God bay the results of the work done.   "By their fruits you will know them"    So what were the fruits of 'Communion'. We have seen how Modernism which Pope St Pius X called " the synthesis of all heresies"  rather than take a community towards God actually took the in the opposite direction.  From the teaching of First Holy Communion and going on to Confirmation where the majority of young people only turned up because of their parents insistence the emphasis on Communion was a disaster and alienated the young from the Church.    Jesus dying for love of them made no sense to young people if they were going to heaven anyway.   That Jesus died for our sins to fit us for Heaven was frowned upon for we must not make young people feel guilty like the nasty Pre-Vatican Church.    They did hot seem to realise that it is not enough to tell young people that Jesus loved th...

"Communion'. Why it failed.

About 40 years ago a strange thing happened in the Catholic Church.  Some older Priests and Bishops started talking about community   Young priests coming out of the seminaries where they were taught  some kind of social insight by 'experts' started telling us that we were no longer a 'me Church but a we Church.    And then instead of a parish we were a 'community I did not understand that there was a difference.   All this was very puzzling indeed since I had worked most of my life with others for the Church that I loved.    But all of this was not really important to me, a little annoying, yes, but nothing to really disturb me so I carried on living my Catholic Faith with other Catholics as best I could.   It was the smashing down of the altar rails that made me wake up.   The altar rails had a cloth which was put over the top of the railings to symbolise a table.   We knelt and received Jesus in humility and adored his presence w...

Rosary on the Coast - why all Catholics should be there.


Thie Silence of the Lambs

This morning the local primary school joined the Mass in our Church.    They came in silent and reverently, paid attention during Mass, and when Mass was over they left silent and reverently.   I approached a teacher later and told her how much I was grateful to the children for their reverence.   I reminded her of the words of Jesus "My House is a House of Prayer".   The behaviour of the children is certainly a contrast to the behaviour of adults at Sunday Mass.   They walk in and start talking to their friends and we could be in a theatre waiting for the show to begin.   When the 'show' is over the noise starts again.     I remember when all this noise started, it was the time when the word 'Community' was being forced on the people.   It was deemed good for the people to chat to one another in contrast to those 'depressing' Pre-Vatican days.   The problem was of course, that there were people who wanted to pray to the Real Pres...

Lumen Gentium of Vatican II on Devotion to Mary. IS IT NOT TIME FOR THE TRUTH?

66. Placed by the grace of God, as God's Mother, next to her Son, and exalted above all angels and men, Mary intervened in the mysteries of Christ and is justly honored by a special cult in the Church. Clearly from earliest times the Blessed Virgin is honored under the title of Mother of God, under whose protection the faithful took refuge in all their dangers and necessities.(21*) Hence after the Synod of Ephesus the cult of the people of God toward Mary wonderfully increased in veneration and love, in invocation and imitation, according to her own prophetic words: "All generations shall call me blessed, because He that is mighty hath done great things to me".(301) This cult, as it always existed, although it is altogether singular, differs essentially from the cult of adoration which is offered to the Incarnate Word, as well to the Father and the Holy Spirit, and it is most favorable to it. The various forms of piety toward the Mother of God, which the Church within th...


Dorothy Cummings McLean Follow Dorothy Share on Facebook 47 Share on Twitter Comment on this Article Share via Email Print this Page NEWS CATHOLIC CHURCH Thu Apr 12, 2018 - 6:02 pm EST UK bishops bless Poland-inspired ‘Rosary on the Coast’   Catholic  ,   Catholic Church  ,   Rosary On The Coasts For Life And Faith GREAT BRITAIN, April 12, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) — At least 15 of Great Britain’s Catholic bishops have blessed an initiative of the British laity, the Rosary on the Coast for Faith, Life and Peace. Inspired by similar events  in Poland  and  Ireland , the Rosary on the Coast will unite Catholics from all over England, Scotland, Wales, and their islands in prayer for “the re-flourishing of [their] faith, for the grace to build a culture of Life and for true peace to reign in the hearts of all people and nations.”   It is scheduled to take place on Sunday, April 29 at 3:00 p.m. So far 197 spots aro...


'Thou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart ad all your soul, with all your mind and all your strength' The above is the First Commandment and we can see from God Himself the answer to the question whether Faith is about feelings or rationality.   It is both.   Love is something that comes from the heart and soul of a person, it is the feeling part of a person, when we say we love with our heart we are telling someone how we feel.     I think if I told my wife I loved her inside my mind, that my love was something rational I had worked out because there were benefits in being with her, I think she would slap my face. The point is that in our humanity we are both rational and emotional beings.    So Faith must appeal to the whole person - rational and emotional.    If we say that Faith is a purely rational thing and there is no place for feelings we are denying our humanity and making Faith something cold and unappealing.   It i...

The Truth that is seldom Preached in the Catholic Church in Britain

How history proved the Church was right in condemning contraception 50 years ago   Abortion  ,   Catholic  ,   Contraception  ,   Humanae Vitae  ,   Mary Eberstadt  ,   Pope Paul Vi WASHINGTON, DC, April 9, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews ) – “The most globally reviled and widely misunderstood document of the last half-century —  Humanae Vitae —  is also the most prophetic and explanatory of our era,” Catholic author Mary Eberstadt told attendees at a conference on the topic of the 1968 encyclical.  “The beauty of Pope Paul VI’s Encyclical, shines forth in a new and continuously illuminating way,” said Eberstadt.  “Humanae Vitae — and the two thousand years of teaching it represents — remains true in ways that all reasonable people can discern, if only they are supplied with the relevant evidence.” Eberstadt was speaking at The Catholic University of America’s academic symposium commemorati...


How do we come to terms as a church with the Homosexual question?   Recently I read a letter in a Catholic Magazine which claimed that the Church could not carry on being bigoted and narrow minded.    Of course in the secular world the Church has few supporters and is harshly dismissed on a daily basis.   I found an interesting question being asked though in a critical letter I read.    Where would Christ stand on the question?   I do not know if Christ did speak on the subject for not everything he said was reported but one thing I do know is that he would not have come  out with dogmatic phrases like "it is intrinsically evil".   There is one thing we can say and that is that the early Church was against Sodomy and Sodomy is the practise of homosexuality.Romans 1.   Yet the point is not that scripture quotes sodomy as wrong but that the Church has taught from early times that Sodomy is wrong.    As a Roman Catholic I recogn...

The Truths of the Catholic Faith can fill the young with real enthusiasm.

This young lady converted to the Catholic Faith and she demonstrates how true teaching can set the young on fire.    She has found the treasure in the field and is overjoyed.