Your Anti-Catholic Candidate in the Election - Hilary Clinton. Has the Catholic Church the guts to fight back or is it now dead?

Adrienne – a visitor to our site from Destin, FLorida – writes: “I’m deeply concerned by the anti-Church activity of our brother in Christ John Podesta and his friends. It is even more dangerous than their support for abortion and same-sex marriages, by itself. And I don’t want this issue to be talked round and forgotten.
I’d be very glad if you could publish my piece, because the mood of ordinary believers is quite an important thing that unfortunately haven’t been properly covered by our media.”
Clinton against the Vatican. Will the Holy See withstand?
According to the e-mails published by Wikileaks on October the 8th, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chief John Podesta is the most influential man in Soros’s war against the Vatican. Having close financial ties between them, both the “left” billionaire and the Democratic Party leadership are in favor of legal widely available and federally funded abortions as well as of full public acceptance of same-sex marriage. At the same time, the Catholic Church (to which almost every third American and about 40% of immigrants belong) remains committed to traditional values. Therefore, despite theologically enacted nonpolitical nature of the Catholic Social Doctrine, the Church’s voice is inevitably a hindrance for both: Soros and the Democrats.
So, in February 2012, the Democrats were eager to gain support for their Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, that required contraceptives and abortion costs to be included in the health insurance plans (and a refusal to fund birth control measures was labeled as “gender discrimination”). Hence, the president of the Voices for Progress, Sanford Newman wrote an e-mail to the Center for American Progress (CAP) founder, a longtime Democratic Party lobbyist John Podesta. Newman asked his opinion on the feasibility and possible ways of preparing the “Catholic Spring”. According to the Voices for Progress chief’s idea, it was necessary to somehow “plant the seeds of revolution” within the Catholic Church, so that the believers themselves would “demand their bishops to end a middle ages dictatorship” and better respect equality of the sexes. As a Jew, Newman recognized that he wasn’t familiar enough with Christianity, and carefully posed his offerings as hypothetical. However, John Podesta said bluntly that Catholics in Alliance with the Common Good (CACG) and Catholics United (CU) had already been created exactly for this purpose. He also complained about the lack of leadership and recommended that Kathleen Kennedy Townsend be consulted on this effort.
Indeed, since 2005 when these NGOs were established, they have been financed by the Soros Foundation and the Open Society Institute, either directly or through intermediary entities controlled by the progressive billionaire’s organizations. In their turn, CACG’s founder Tom Periello and its Chairman Fred Rotondaro are senior fellows at the Soros-funded CAP established by Podesta.
Criticism toward CACG and CU, who advocate the ordination of women and vindicate abortion and sodomy, has been heard since 2007. In 2008, Archbishop Charles Chaput stated that these organizations were compromising the Church. He also said that before the 2008 presidential elections two CU representatives had been accusing the Catholic Church of supporting Republicans and had been trying to urge him [Archbishop Chaput] to stop condemning abortions. In addition, Catholics United, which has nothing to do with the Church, was critical of the bishops who denied Communion to politicians who supported the legalization of abortion. Another critic of these liberal NGOs, Catholic League president William (Bill) Donohue also recalled how Chris Korzen, the CU Director at that time, tried to have him booted from CNN. In turn, CACG has been organizing events for liberal Catholic priests and lay people throughout the country. As a result of this manipulation, a misguided impression that Soros and Democratic Party’s initiatives were consistent with Christian theology was created. Thus, recently revealed correspondence has only confirmed pre-existing assumptions about the involvement of Hillary’s inner circle in the subversive activity against the Vatican.
It should be noted that the John Podesta’s attitude toward Catholics is not an exception but a norm for his party. For example, among the Hillary’s campaign Chairman’s emails one more derisive conversation was found. And it was between the current HRC director of communications Jennifer Palmieri and former Democratic chief strategist, CAP senior fellow John Halpin. The aforementioned Kathleen Kennedy Townsend has also claimed that the teaching of the Catholic Church encouraged “bigotry and harm”.
The U.S. Catholic community has met the attempts to distort the teachings of the Church, as well as politicians’ efforts to interfere with its affairs, with harsh criticism. President of the USCCB, Archbishop Joseph Kurtz stressed that such actions might appear to be “troubling both for the well-being of faith communities and the good of our country…Catholic beliefs had come to us from Jesus, not a consensus forged by contemporary norms ” Catholic League President Bill Donoghue advised the Democratic candidate for US president to dismiss her campaign Chief John Podesta. In his turn, president of the Brian Burch called for the resignation of Jennifer Palmieri and reminded us how Hillary Clinton herself had referred to conservatives as “basket of deplorables”. However, the Holy See hasn’t commented, yet, on the subversive efforts of Clinton’s team. 
Will St. Peter’s successor defend the right of believers to live in accordance with Christ’s commandments and protect the Church’s teachings from the encroachment of politicians? Is Pope Francis to put in their place the representatives of the American financial and political elite trampling on religious freedom in the eyes of the world? According to my American Catholic acquaintances, it depends from whence the Pope’s benevolence and concern for the poor originate: Marxism or the Lord’s commandments. The response of His Holiness, as well as its absence, will show what he is to a greater extent: Catholic or “leftist” – they say.
Comments invited – not least from our American Catholic brothers and sisters, out there. Are any of you seriously thinking of casting your vote for … that [anti-Catholic ] woman? 


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