
Showing posts from October, 2016

Your Anti-Catholic Candidate in the Election - Hilary Clinton. Has the Catholic Church the guts to fight back or is it now dead?

Adrienne – a visitor to our site from Destin, FLorida – writes: “ I’m deeply concerned by the anti-Church activity of our brother in Christ John Podesta and his friends. It is even more dangerous than their support for abortion and same-sex marriages, by itself. And I don’t want this issue to be talked round and forgotten. I’d be very glad if you could publish my piece, because the mood of ordinary believers is quite an important thing that unfortunately haven’t been properly covered by our media.” Clinton against the Vatican. Will the Holy See withstand? According to the  e-mails published by Wikileaks on October the 8th , Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign chief John Podesta is the most influential man in Soros’s war against the Vatican. Having close financial ties between them, both the “left” billionaire and the Democratic Party leadership are in favor of legal widely available and federally funded abortions as well as of full public acceptance of same-sex marr...


While professing to be a Catholic Tijm Kaine the would be Vice President demonstrates a violent hate for the Catholic Church.  Indeed he wants the Church outlawed if it maintains its stance on Gay Righyts and no doubt he enjoys like Hilary the thought of thousands of babies being butchered in the name of Women's Rights.  In his and Hilary Clintons opinion they are not human, so it is all a matter of opinion but her opinion but their opinions can be and will be enforced on the Catholic Church. What a dreadful pair. What is the Catholic stance on Gay Rights? It is that all Gays and LGBT people are children of God with all the dignity and rights that God who made them human gave them. God wants to build happiness in society and he made them male and female drew attention tu Himself by calling Himself a Father. In other words he built the world on the model of a family and gave us a mother in Mary. What does he ask of Gays and LGBT? He asks them to take part in the buil...


THE STREET ROSARY..........Started saying the Rosary in town this afternoon. A small beginning, I just sat on a seat and said the Rosary holding my beads. No fuss, just a small whisper to myself. But I am sure Mary was pleased. Why did I do this? The reason young people have no interest in the Church is that it is seen as something passive. You just go to Church and everyone is nice to you and you may be told Jesus loves you. But there is no feeling that there is a nything of importance they can do. Actually we are called to be apostles to spread the message of the Gospel, And the message of the Gospel is the you must take up your Cross, that is all the little sufferings you have you can offer untlimately to God, and in many cases like my own through Mary. WE are often quite happy to do the wrong things, the negative things, but reluctant to rejoice at the good things we do and offer them to God. It could be something as simple as being happy to wash the dishes instead of moaning. Offe...

Mary of England

Mary of England, honoured was your name When first the Saxons to our Island came Kings knelt in homage, peasants sang your praise O how they loved you, in those bygone days Through fields and woodland pilgrims made their way Angelus bells rang people stopped to pray This was your Dowry, your beautiful place Mary of England, Hail Full of Grace Mary of England, come to us once more Shine brightly on us as you did before Gather your children, lost and torn apart Keep us together in your loving heart Lead us to Jesus take us by the hand How much he loves us, help us understand We need the warmth of a mother’s embrace Mary of England, Hail full of Grace. Mary of England as we sing your praise Nature’s great chorus joins in our Aves Birds from the tree tops sing so soft and sweet Flowers of great beauty bend before your feet Look down upon us from your throne above Joyful we send you rosaries of love Give us in darkness the light of your face ...

Why are so many Bishops so lacking in honesty?

There has been nothing so depressing as the American election.   We have two candidates who should certainly not be running and this goes back to the fact that it is money and the power that money gives that determines the political scene.    Now Trump is posing as a pro-lifer which has to be questioned but Hilary, exposed by her e-mails as an anti-catholic bigot cannot get enough of Abortion and is almost fanatical.    But on her fanatical anti-catholicism and her extreme abortion views the bishops of the United States keep silent, It could be of course that following the plan they are the new democrats in the Church that Hilary wanted and paid for.   They cannot see beyond social issues to the cost of marriage breakdown and the millions of human beings in the womb who are slaughtered without good reason.  They do not fight for the rights of children growing up in broken families with no father or the cost of divorce on the community.   No thei...

FATIMA; I took this from the site of the World Apostolate of Fatima Engand and Wales.

Why the apparitions at  Fatima  are important   Fatima may justly be regarded as the most important Marian apparition of recent times, firstly because of its continuing association with the papacy from the outset; secondly because, as John Paul II wrote to the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima in October 1997, “among the signs of the times in the twenieth century, Fatima is certainly one of the greatest, because its message announces many later events and conditions them on the response to its appeals”; and lastly because in July 1917 Our Lady told Lucia that in October “I will perform a miracle for all to see and believe”. Even those who had come to scoff were forced to admit they had witnessed the unprecedented miracle of the sun, which was seen by a crowd of at least 70,000, who had made their way with much difficulty from all over  Portugal   to the remote hilltop location of the apparitions.  The Message of Fatima reaffirms the Faith of the Church Bl. Pope ...


When the Reformers took over in this Diocese in the seventies, they had the delusion that there was too much emphasis on the devotions of Fatih and not enough on making young people think for themselves.    indoctrination became a nasty word.   Of course the whole thing was based on their already instilled bigotry.   If the Church had been given a mandate by Christ to "Go and teach all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" she already had the mandate of Christ himself to do so.   But something else came into play, and that was the dishonesty of not teaching about the Authority of the Church.  For years I had to listen to bureaucrats paid by the then bishop to teach such things as the 'Pope is Superior in Love and not Autbority" or "Catholics were only allowed to read the Bible after Vatican II" or "The Catholic Church does not have the whole truth we only find this with other Churches"    It really ...


In order to understand Ratzinger’s criticisms better, it must be kept in mind that in Germany the Kirchensteuer, the ecclesiastical tax, is obligatory by law for all those who are registered as members of the Catholic Church or the Protestant Churches. This tax brings the German Catholic Church more than 5 billion euro per year. An imposing sum, more than five times as much, for example, than the revenue brought in by the Italian Church with a state system of contribution - the “eight per thousand” - that is not obligatory but voluntary, and with a constituency of Catholics more than double that of Germany. But since in Germany those who do not want to pay this tax must cancel their membership in the Church with a public act before a competent civil authority, and since these cancellations have been increasing in recent years, with the effect of reducing revenues, the German Catholic Church has implemented a countermeasure to discourage this attrition. It did so in 2012 with a decree t...

Thank God there are young men like Archbishop Sample representing Jesus Christ.

US Archbishop seeks to correct misinterpretation of Amoris Laetitia in pastoral letter Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland has written a pastoral letter seeking to correct what he called “troublesome” misuse of Pope Francis’ recent apostolic exhortation on the family and family life. The pastoral letter, released on October 7, is titled “A True and Living Icon: Reading of Amoris Laetitia in Light of Church Teaching.” In it, Archbishop Sample said that Pope Francis’ exhortation, issued in April, has rightly been lauded by Catholics and non-Catholics alike for its pastoral approach. The image of the church as a “field hospital,” the archbishop wrote, is a potent reminder of the services provided by priests, deacons and parish staffs, as well as the wounded that they care for. But the archbishop went on to write that media in particular have drawn false conclusions from “Amoris Laetitia.” “While the exhortation does not contain any change in church teaching regarding marria...


Newspaper reporters present confirmed the miracle, …people`s clothes and muddy ground dried instantaneously, miracle was seen by people many miles away. Miracle predicted clearly three months in advance Besides the 70,000 witnesses in the assembled gathering, the solar miracle was witnessed by others at distances of up to 30 miles away. These rules out any suggestion of “collective hallucination” at the site. Since the phenomenon was not registered by any astronomical observatory, it could not have been of natural origin….it  therefore had to be a miracle! As the sun descended towards the crowd the air became warmer. This had the effect of drying the people`s clothes and also the waterlogged muddy ground. Both clothes and ground became  completely dry almost instantaneously . In addition to this, we have contemporary newspaper reports, and statements from non-believers who had come to mock, including government officials, and professionals such as Dr Almeida Garrett. ...


In just over a year the Pope will be visiting Fatima. Why?  Because he is a Catholic and believes in Fatima.   It would be wonderful if I could say that my parish will be celebrating and rejoicing, although in the Diocese we have a Catholic Bishop who will do his best.  No, the 'leaders' who took us from the Catholic Faith in the 70's to form their own Catholic Church and force it on the rest of us will not allow such childish devotions.   But Our Lady of Fatima is more than just a childish devotion, at Fatima Mary attacked everything they stand for, or should I everything they do not stand for. So what was Fatima about.  At Fatima Our Lady appeared to three children to ask them to say certain prayers and the Rosary.    She asked then to pray for peace in the world and the conversion of all sinners.  She had already asked Bernadette at Lourdes to pray for the conversion of sinners but somehow that part of the Lourdes message was lost.  ...