St Mother Teresa was an outstanding example of Catholic Social Teaching.   She had a total love of Our Lord jesus Christ which sprang from her devotion to to him in her private and liturgical life.  She never questioned his Commandments or 'rules as some would have it'.  Whatever he asked she would do, and she never once compromised his teachings with her 'adult' conscience.    Her commitment to life included buying aborted babies since they were the poorest of the poor.    If the world wanted abortion she did not seek favour and excuse it, she condemned it outright.   She was a true witness of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

In the same way Jesus Christ came on earth to earn the forgiveness of sin, not to excuse it,   He founded a Church where all the graces were poured out on people so that they could become saints like Mother Teresa.   Unfortunately in the Church today there is a great deal of compromising of the teachings of Jesus Christ in favour of an 'Adult Conscience', and the consequences of this is a Church for the elderly and parents with young children and the absence of young adults were never prepared for the secular world, they were never prepared for holiness, and most of all they were never prepared for marriage.  Yes ins schools there is a great emphasis on the poor and giving to the poor and being kind and nice to other people, but this does not have the depth of spirituality that Christ wanted in his followers.   It is easy to say 'The Body of Christ' but to really know and understand that Body is quite different.    If indeed we understood what Jesus is, what Holy Communion is, thee would not even be a debate as to whether we should receive him kneeling.  We would even be prostrating ourselves.   What I am saying here is that the way we receive Holy Communion is a guide to how we really treat the poor when we hear the words 'The Body of Christ'.   And the failure to teach what the host is has cost the Church dearly.  No, young people do not leave school despite Catholic Social Teaching full of zeal for the poor - they leave disillusioned with their own lives and with little interest in the lives of others.

The Church today has also swallowed the secularist idea of 'political correctness' and 'dialogue'.   I was just reading this morning about a Syrian Orthodox Bishop who condemned the Bishops of Europe for their silence in face to the genocide he witnessed every day.  Christians being persecuted and put to death.   The were more interested in 'Dialoge' with Moslems than defending the genocide.  At a meeting in Italy two weeks ago a priest from Syria was almost silenced by the audience of politically correct people who did not want to hear what he had witnessed as his parishioners were murdered.    Where are the prayer campaigns, the vigils, the bidding prayers at Mass on such subjects, well we must not speak too often of such things it could upset Protestants.   And just to recap, when did you last hear a sermon against Abortion.              


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