Is the Catholic Church in England any different from the Secularist Society in its Values?

About 40 years ago as the School Governor of a Catholic School I pointed out that the new Religious Education Instruction in Catholic Schools was not achieving anything.    I was bitterly rebuked and the usual comparisons made of how we in the Pre-Vatican Church had all run around in constant fear of Hell and Damnation.   Try though I could I did not remember myself or anyone else cringing under the desk as the teacher told us we were all going to burn in eternal fire.   But it was all part of the Revolution and nobody was allowed to contradict the new rulers.   In truly Communist fashion those who were fervent about the new version of Vatican II coming from the Reformers in the Vatican were appointed to places of influence.   Devotion to Mary and other devotions which were judged not adult were abolished and the so called age of the laity was heralded in.   I remember a bishop at the time remarking "Gone are the days of the dictatorial parish priest, now every voice is heard"  Excuse me Bishop then why are you listening to them and not me.  Sorry, I know, I am not adult, I am 'stuck in the past"   But while this was all going on what was happening to our children.   As the seventies began there were two million Catholics regularly attending Mass, now there are around 800,000 and this number is boosted by the Polish and other Catholic immigrants from Europe and the rest of the world.  Just look around on a Sunday and wonder just how empty the Church would be if this immigration in the late 80's and 90's had not happened.    The reason of course is that the great Revolution which was to make the Church more strong and more appealing did not bear fruit.    Ok, everyone is nicer and more tolerant.  We do not condemn anyone, we do not judge anyone, etc, etc etc.   We pride ourselves in an 'inclusive' Church.    The trouble is that it is so inclusive that we do not teach any of the things that Jesus taught - in fact we flatly contradict him.    Whereas Jesus told the woman taking in adultery "Go and sin no more", the new Church tells them to go and not worry about their behaviour so long as they give to the poor.   And as for Jesus and his teaching on marriage which was so rigid the disciples complained it was better not to marry than live so strictly, well we do not have any problem whatsoever, we are an open Church and they will be welcomed and we will never in their presence talk about Jesus and his rigid teaching and keep them happy in the community by assuring them that good marriages are an ideal.  Now I am not saying that divorcees and adulterers  should not be welcome but their presence should not change the teachings of the Church.   And of course a new teaching was brought in to help people ignore scripture - they are entitled to follow their consciences for that is paramount.   Well I do admit that Jesus did no think of that.

So has the revolution succeeded among the young?   After all we have Catholic Schools and Catholic preachers making the children 'think' and not just be indoctrinated.    Perhaps that is the trouble.   Many teachers, many bishops, and many priests these days are not indoctrinated and they think that teaching that something is true is very bad for ecumenism.   They like being liked.   I remember that I somehow got to a catechetical class once for the new catechists.   Of course I was not meant to be there, for catechists had to be compliant catholics or fervent revolutionaries.    A nun who was leading the group announced that the Vatican Council taught that the Church did not have a monopoly of the truth and it was shared with other christian denominations.   I remember her face when after she said "That is what the Council taught"  I made the remark "  The Council taught no such thing"   I had fun after that watching her antis to get the other 'catechists' on her side.  Little meetings that would break up after I entered the room.    At the end of the course a leading catechistt announced that the Church would have to change its teaching on Divorce, Abortion and Contraception.   But I have had worse.  I remember when a small group of people decided that seven year olds were too young to receive Communion and they had to be 8.   I protested to the priest pointing out that they could not change Church law on the matter and St Pius X had asked all the bishops of the world to unify the age, and they had all decided 7, and this was Canon Law.   But I was ignored.   Trying my best to be a good parishioner I had volunteered as a catechist and when I raised the point at a meeting sneers were raised at me all around the room.   I quietly said a prayer for these women and when asked later by the parish priest to withdraw as a catechist - gosh I lasted two weeks - I agreed.  You just cannot have a Roman Catholic as a Catechist.   As a Community they respect all faiths but not those with Roman Catholic views.   You see just how insane this Community Church is.

But what of the children.   Well they were suffering the consequences of sin.   The consequences of adultery was that many of them were growing up in families without a father or sometimes a mother.  But the government was not going to say such things were wrong, and NEITHER WAS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.  So there are millions of young people suffering.   And as divorce increased thousands of children were hurt by losing a parent and believing it was their fault.   The Government made divorce easier and through Annulments, SO DID THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.   And whereas Jesus did not care who was listening when he spoke the truth, the priests of today are too morally bankrupt to do so.    They want a nice happy Community of Faith, and have relegated their defence of the values of Jesus to the dustbin.   And what about the sufferings of the children - they do not want to know.  


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