"All Authority is given to me in Heaven and on Earth go then to all nations baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to observe all I have commanded you, and behold I am with you always, even until the end of the world" Matthew 28.
The above is what Jesus Christ commanded his Church to do. and so when the question is asked "What makes a parish pleasing to God?" then this is His answer. There is a going out to preach his word, there is the acceptance and baptising of people, and there is the authority of his preaching being taught to the people.
So how does your parish and your parish priest follow Christ?. Does your priest teach with the Authority of Christ or does he mumble something about not 'forcing' anything on people and not preaching on Catholic matters because it might offend someone and put a halt to a happy community. Does he care about the lack of young people in his Church and the appalling state of Catholic marriage and what it has done to children. When he reads Mark 10. does he apologise for the harsh words on marriage and divorce by mumbling that good marriages are an ideal. When the Gospel of Jesus is attacked at meetings does he go along with it, keep quiet, or oppose anyone who tries to defend Catholic Truth.? Does he advise young people about the need for purity in their lives so that they can make happy and lasting marriages - or does he mutter that purity does not matter as long as they give to the poor.
Are your fellow parishioners committed to the fullness of the Catholic Faith or do they challenge the authority of Christ and his Church by claiming they follow their own conscience. How do they speak about faithful Catholics. Do they see them as stuck in the past, negative or controversial. Are they happy that they 'moved forward' and can put such Catholics down. Do they believe anything that is Catholic? Do they prefer books and literature that is hostile to Church teachings and fawn over scholars and experts who are in sympathy with their anti-catholic views. Do they want the Hail Mary removed from the prayers? Do they want the Tabernacle containing the Living Jesus put into a corner out of the way so that they are Jesus, assuming they have not already done this. Do they show great reference for the Bible as their only guide while ignoring of course the 'outdated teachings of Jesus.' I suppose I am asking are you really in A CATHOLIC PARISH?
The above is what Jesus Christ commanded his Church to do. and so when the question is asked "What makes a parish pleasing to God?" then this is His answer. There is a going out to preach his word, there is the acceptance and baptising of people, and there is the authority of his preaching being taught to the people.
So how does your parish and your parish priest follow Christ?. Does your priest teach with the Authority of Christ or does he mumble something about not 'forcing' anything on people and not preaching on Catholic matters because it might offend someone and put a halt to a happy community. Does he care about the lack of young people in his Church and the appalling state of Catholic marriage and what it has done to children. When he reads Mark 10. does he apologise for the harsh words on marriage and divorce by mumbling that good marriages are an ideal. When the Gospel of Jesus is attacked at meetings does he go along with it, keep quiet, or oppose anyone who tries to defend Catholic Truth.? Does he advise young people about the need for purity in their lives so that they can make happy and lasting marriages - or does he mutter that purity does not matter as long as they give to the poor.
Are your fellow parishioners committed to the fullness of the Catholic Faith or do they challenge the authority of Christ and his Church by claiming they follow their own conscience. How do they speak about faithful Catholics. Do they see them as stuck in the past, negative or controversial. Are they happy that they 'moved forward' and can put such Catholics down. Do they believe anything that is Catholic? Do they prefer books and literature that is hostile to Church teachings and fawn over scholars and experts who are in sympathy with their anti-catholic views. Do they want the Hail Mary removed from the prayers? Do they want the Tabernacle containing the Living Jesus put into a corner out of the way so that they are Jesus, assuming they have not already done this. Do they show great reference for the Bible as their only guide while ignoring of course the 'outdated teachings of Jesus.' I suppose I am asking are you really in A CATHOLIC PARISH?
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