The Greatest Insult
Cardinal Heenan on his return from Vatican II told the priests of his parish how devotion to Mary if abolished would lead to the lessening of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament. This mirrored a "those who deny the mother end up by denying the son" saying which I often heard. The attack on the Blessed Sacrament and the real presence was swift and appalling from peoplw who still pretended they were honest. It started with the First Communion classes. Children were no longer taught anything about the Real Presence with the sad excuse that they were too young to understand. Then the tabernacles were removed from the altar with the simple straight forward lie that their presence was liturgically incorrect. This left the priest and the people without the presence of Jesus so an old doctrine was twisted to serve the purpose- the community became the Body of Christ. An honest person would ask but what about transubstantiation, well this was just dropped. Suddenly all sorts of theories came forward from unfaithful theologians to diminish the doctrine of the Real Presence. One well read priest decided it was not a physucal presence nor a symbolic presence but something in between. The teaching of Vatican II that Christ was present in diffe, irent ways in the Church, in the priest, in the community, in the host became an equal presence and the qoote that he was present in the host `par excellence` was quietly ignored and every one carried on being honest people. But the real persecution was reserved for those who embarrassed the ecumenical church by still adoring Jesus in the .The few faithful Catholics who believe were ignored and there was one seminary where the students were told they should not adore bread. In my own parish where a few tried to keep adoration going on a Thursday a priest there on a mission week told the adorers that the bread was for eating Then there was the removal of the altar rails and of course no explanation nor consultation was ever done. Parishioners just had to do what they were told. Then the laity were instructed to receive on the hand, to touch the sacred species, to do what only a consecrated priest had done. Again since the people moving this were liberals there was no need for consultation, they new best. Any means of kneeling was removed. I remember once visiting my Cathedral where the Sacred Host had been removed to a side altar; no seat was present and no kneeler and in order to adore Jesus only a stone floor was available New teachings that in fact we received Holy Communion as community and not an individual came from nowhere to replace orthodox Catholic teachig. I still cannot reason this one. Then there was a sudden revelation that the priest did not change the bread or wine into the Body and Blood of Christ but the HOly Spirit. I am afraid I can only treat this with the contempt it deserves. I am pleased to say that a great improvement has been made to the position of the Blessed Sacrament in a few parishes but not all.. Priests are beginning to control the liturgy again, but sadly the unfaithful catholics who at one tine made a bid to be called Eldets, showing just how Protestant they are, still control teaching the sacraments and bringing would be Catholics into the Church which means that with their teaching very few o.
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