How is your Evangelization coming along?
Way back in the years before Vatican II people in the Church understood the word `Evangelization`. They would immediatley translate it to the `Lay Apostolate` and organisations such as the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Evidence Guild, the Society of St Vincent de Paul, the Knights of St Columba, and the many religious orders that flourished at home and abroad. After Vatican II, when the Spirit of Vatican II had wiped these out completely or reduced them to almost ineffective numbers the word Evangelisation was still there and the word became familiar and people talked about it a great deal but what they actually meant became rather obscure. Still "Let us Evangelise" when expressed at a meeting can raise the spirit and warm applause - but its meaning? It is rather like `Power to the People`, it just seems the right thing to say and has a sort of meaning. As Father Ray Blake was saying in his blog since we all believe in universal salvation and nobody goes to hell the word has lots its meaning. What Father Blake puts forward is that Jesus claims to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life and it is on this saying that Evangelisation is founded. It is not about bringing people along to a hold hands and feel good Church bu it is about actually living ourselves and helping other people to live the way Christ intended and not the way our `we can think for ourselves` Spirit of Vatican II`people have decided is the modern approach to Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There are a few people who are at the heart of running parishes and are indeed catechists who need to be evangelized first, then we can look at the needs of the world.
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