Why do we study the Bible?
What is the point of bringing people together for Bible Study? Is it to show off our scholarship, showing how the Jews borrowed some ideas from other cultures at the time, such as a snake appearing in the Garden of Eden because the goddess Kaila had a snake and the Jews had no ideas of their own or stories of snakes. Was the flood a myth as we can prove from other cultures of the time since they also spoke about a flood? Did Joshua really bring down the walls of Jericho with a trumpet or should we perhaps look for a natural solution? This all comes from what was called in the 80`s the HIstorical-Critical method of study which as it worked its way through the Bible eventually to dismissed the miraculous in the feeding of the five thousand with loafs and fishes as everyone sharing their sandwiches. Is this really feeding us poor non academics the Word of God? Why do we study Genesis? Is it just so that we can compare our s...