A Couple of Reports.
There were two items on this week's Portsmouth diocese E-newsletter. One was the report on the survey called A Thousand Voices. A very small number took part in this, and really it presented what one person thought against the opinions of another. Indeed the whole exercise was based on contrary opinions which took us absolutely nowhere, and what positives we can take from it is a mystery.
There was another report from the Department of Evangelisation. It was a very positive document in that it discussed nothing of any relevance. How is our failure in Catholic Schools coming along, well it covered it the way it has for forty years, it said nothing but apparently another catechism will be introduced which will land up in a corner of the staff room like other catechisms over that period. But it gave out good news. The young people want climate change tackled and so they were described as 'onside' with the Church on this matter. So if we go into the schools and say we sympathise apparently the young people will enthusiastically start coming to Church. It is at least good to see that the Department for Evangelisation is enthusiastic about something.
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