The Existence of God.

A few days ago in correspondence I got caught up in the "Does God Exist?" question.   I put forward that Science does not prove or disprove the existence of God, in answer to a point raised by someone else.    There was a very good response from someone who took me to task and went into all the usual subjects of evolution, and how scientists test a theory thoroughly before making any decision.   It was honest, but my point was that I agreed with him in everything, I, too, explore science and believe in science, however science is the exploration of the natural world as it is, and it explores the laws of physics, and other subjects I cannot even imagine  .   It looks at cells in living creatures and finds that they are composed of atoms, neutrons, and electrons.  And what with the invention of the microchip and electronic phones and computers, I am left in a state of shock and wonder.    But when I think of all these things I have two different approaches.    If I want to approach from a scientific perspective and try to explain anything in nature I must do so in a scientific frame of mind.  When scientists are exploring the wonder of things, it can be very stupid to say "O, never mind just accept God made this"   We can have a religious belief, but that should not stifle our wonder of the world around us and how it is composed.    Leave to science what belongs to science.  It is only when there is no scientific explanation, as in the Big Bang Theory, we can raise our voices and say "Perhaps there is something outside of science which explains it".   So I respected his point of view, because I shared his point of view.

The second reply was more irrational.     Apparently I was a Creationist.   This word is an effort to distance theists from science.   If you believe in God you are not a man of science.    Nonsense.    Theists explore the Universe like everyone else.   They rejoice in what scientists have discovered.   Many of them, like the Catholic priest, Georges LeMaitre, are Catholic priests.  Georges is the person who put format the Big Bang Theory.   Science helps us to understand and praise more the works of God.   But we must remember science is a voyage of discovery, it explains the things that exist but not why they exist.   It is not in competition with science and I find it sad when I hear scientist claim they have disproved God.   This is a pride and arrogance that is offensive, sine they know no more than anyone else.   I heard one say "that he had not found God in his Scientific Research.   What a stupid remark.


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