
Showing posts from April, 2020

On Retreat at Walsingham.

I was on retreat last week with Mgr John Armitage of Wallsingham.   My wife and I and son Kevin always go to daily Mass, so during this 'isolation' we found  Mass through You Tube at the Shrine.  Then Mgr Armitage announced a retreat at which he would talk and we could follow the devotions of the rest of the day at Walsingham.    The twice daily talks by Mgr Armitage were really wonderful and took me back to when I was a young man attending Parish Retreats.   It was usually two Passionist priest who turned up for the week.   They both talked at Mass on the Sunday and people got excited by what they had to say.   You will not believe this but the big question was, who would give the talk on Hell.   Who had the most attractive voice for that talk?   O yes, we had one night in seven devoted to Hell and that was the night you came early in case you did not get a place in the pew and had to stand.    But it was not that Old Time Rel...

OUT OF THE DEPTHS - PSALM 130 Song and Testimony

I have had so much trouble getting this onto You Tube.

The Existence of God.

A few days ago in correspondence I got caught up in the "Does God Exist?" question.   I put forward that Science does not prove or disprove the existence of God, in answer to a point raised by someone else.    There was a very good response from someone who took me to task and went into all the usual subjects of evolution, and how scientists test a theory thoroughly before making any decision.   It was honest, but my point was that I agreed with him in everything, I, too, explore science and believe in science, however science is the exploration of the natural world as it is, and it explores the laws of physics, and other subjects I cannot even imagine  .   It looks at cells in living creatures and finds that they are composed of atoms, neutrons, and electrons.  And what with the invention of the microchip and electronic phones and computers, I am left in a state of shock and wonder.    But when I think of all these things I have two differen...

Cardinal Pell - Full Interview.


My Dream

I saw my Jesus kneeling in the Garden                                                                                                      I saw the tears that glistened on his face  I heard him ask the Father for the pardon  Of all mankind, whatever time or place   I watched the crowd of angry men surround him   "Is this the one we seek?" their voices hiss    I hear my own voice answer "Yes, we've found Him"    I see myself betray him with a kiss    I saw his pain and anguish as they scourged him    With ever stroke his eyes filled up with tears     He did not cry for mercy as they urged him     But just ignored their taunting and the...

This was written by Paul Smeaton of SPUC

 April 3, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The spokesperson for the Catholic Church in England who explained to the UK government why churches should be closed due to the coronavirus, despite the government originally saying churches should remain open, has a history of supporting and promoting the LGBT agenda, LifeSite has learned. Professor Jim McManus, a member of the healthcare reference group for the Catholic bishops of England and Wales, helped prepare the bishops’ coronavirus guidance and, according to a statement released by the Diocese of Westminster last month, explained to the UK government why churches must be shut in response to the crisis. The bishops closed the churches despite a guidance published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government that stated that “places of worship should remain open for solitary prayer.” The diocese explained the role played by McManus in the closing of churches in a message it published after the government announced that, as...

Scott Hahn on Mary.

At a time when many Catholics were being opposed in their own parishes for their devotion to Mary, when their morale was low this evangelical Minister Scott Hahn converted to Catholicism, on discovering that the Early Church was Catholic and among its many teachings were those on Mary.  When he gave his first talk on radio in America such was their pain that some Catholics in the audience wept.