Our Last Mass

What a wonderful Mass we had this morning at St Joseph's. Both priests were on the altar and after delivering the news that this was the last Public Mass for some time, they read a letter from the Bishop. I had the gift of tears during the Consecration and on receiving Holy Communion. After Mass Fr Gaston placed the sacred species into the monstrance and we had a procession outside. He went to the entrance to the Church and with the Sacrament he blessed the houses opposite. Then to the other side and blessed the houses on the other side of the school field, then the school itself. What a pity that no pupils were present to witness this great act of Love from the greatest treasure in the Catholic Church, the very flesh of Jesus as the apostles themselves called the bread they consecrated. I witnessed two people kneeling on the hard wet ground showing something the Church has lacked for too long - humility. Now we are in exile, with no Mass calling us to unity in the Body of Christ. As the psalm says "Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord, Lord hear my voice ......... And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquity.


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