Translation of Luke 1: 28 in the Latin Vulgate by St Jerome. ingressus angelus ad eam dixit have gratia plena Dominus tecum benedicta tu in mulieribus..... If indeed we are to have a Year of the Bible and indeed praise St Jerome, as indeed he deserves to be praised, for translating the texts approved by the Church into Latin, the language of the Mass, then surely we should check what the Latin says according to St Jerome before we rush into translating into other languages. In this case translating from the Gospel of Luke, St Jerome wrote the above, which translates "..and entering the angel said to her 'Hail full of grace the Lord is with you and blessed are you among women". Now you do not have to be a scholar to realise that this means much more than 'highly favoured'. So why I ask myself does the translation we read in our Catholic Church at the gospel read 'highly favoured' rather than 'full of grace' Why is this important? Because if she was born 'full of grace' t...