The Rededication of England to Mary. Is it an insult?

When I first stood up in front of the people of my parish to talk about this, I was applauded off the altar.   Yes, Catholics from Poland and Eastern Europe, from Asia and Africa. were pleased to hear that there were people in England who wanted like themselves to teach their children about Mary.  Those of us who lived through the reforms of the seventies and eighties have quite a tale to tell about schools being visited by 'experts' and told that 'childish devotions' must stop.   Indeed, Mary must stop.   Of course, people who already prayed to Mary could continue, the idea of an all embracing and tolerant parish, but little must be taught to children in the schools.   But there is a deep connection between Mary and the Blessed Sacrament and soon there was a denial of the Real Presence.   I remember asking a catechist if she taught the Real Presence.  "O, No, they are too young to understand"     In my eighties, I am still trying to understand.   What I am painting here is a rebellion against Mary, who was declared in the Early Church to be the New Eve, who having been born immaculate remained faithful to God whereas the old Eve had rebelled and as the first Mother had brought death to us all.   Mary, born without sin, is the new Mother who brings us life.   I remember listening on a tape reel of a talk by Cardinal Heenan when he returned from Vatican II.   He told about the insults of the German Bishops who had decided that in an ecumenical age the less we said about Mary the better.   He told his priests that if we lose devotion to Mary, we will lose devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.  It was a prophecy that was fulfilled in many parts of the Church.   If the bread is indeed changed into the Flesh of Jesus, as taught by Ignatius of Antioch and Pope Clement, who were contemporaries of the Apostles, what right has any bishop, priest, expert, or lay person to change these teachings, that have been handed down to us by what the Church calls Tradition.  They are the false prophets that Jesus spoke about.   Jesus was removed to other rooms or into a safe in a wall somewhere.  He was no longer allowed to be the Head of the Church.   The people as a community were to be Christ.

Then came the announcement that England was to be rededicated as the Dowry of Mary.   I was allowed to speak in Church and explained my anxiety that the faith of the people in Medieval Times was not so easily noticed in modern England.  I feared that in the end Our Lady would be insulted But the people from the National Shrine of Walsingham are good people, dedicated to Our Lady and were honest in their approach, perhaps not quite seeing things as they are among certain bishops and clergy.   A bar was put in the way by the introduction of a Year of the Bible  which would overshadow the Dowry.    The Rededication should be a time of great rejoicing and honour to a woman who is our Mother, given to us by Jesus.   Who was our Prophet when she came  to Lourdes and Fatima, and as a Mother pleading with us.      But no, in the majority of dioceses, the day will be focussed on the action of the Bishops in the Cathedrals.   But what will happen in the parishes?  Perhaps a token prayer.     It has turned out a total insult to Mary.   We are admonished by the clergy to renew our devotion to Mary, it is a personal thing.    No, it should not be, it should be an action of the whole Church, people and clergy.  The clergy are our shepherds, they are there to help us to renew.



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