The reason that Jerome is quoted by those seeking to undermine the Church with a false interpretation of Scripture is a quote "Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ" I tried to find the quote, but Jerome was in so many disputes with others over Mary ever a Virgin, The Resurrection, the fallen angels being saved by taking human bodies, that I decided to leave it to scholars. Some contend that it was a remark made during a dispute with someone over a correct interpretation of scripture. It could be so, but the point is no matter how often we read scripture, if our interpretations are wrong, then we are still in ignorance of the true Christ, as over 25,000 Protestant sects and denominations proves. I am sure that someone will have said before me that 'Ignorance of the Mass is ignorance of Christ' or perhaps 'Ignorance of the teachings of the Church' is ignorance of Christ' We must know in what context Jerome wrote these words before we take...