
Showing posts from December, 2019

In Praise of Mary

Despite the bumps at the beginning of my home video, this is worth listening to. The Angel bowed before the holy maid, "Fear not O highly favoured one For God has chosen you so full of grace to be the mother of His son Ave Maria The maid was overcome with doubt and fear, "I know not man how can this be When I am mother of the promised one, I trust that God will be with me Ave Maria The Spirit He will overshadow you, and in your womb his seed will dwell And when the time has come to born the child, His name will be Emmanuel Ave Maria The maiden whispered "Let His will be done, according to His Holy Word And I rejoice that He has chosen me, I am the handmaid of the Lord" Ave Maria She gave him life she gave him joy and love, she shared his pain and misery O Moher of our Saviour Jesus Christ, Please be a mother now to me Ave Maria

THE YEAR OF THE BIBLE? Please, Please, let it be the year of Sacred Tradition.

The Bishops of the Catholic Church in England have made this year 2020 the Year of the Bible.  So where this is taken seriously, and I hope in not too many places, we will be discussing the Bible in isolation from tradition, as one of the foundational elements of Our Faith.   But where did the Bible come from?   The document praises St Jerome who turned 'scripture' into Latin, but this was an evasion.   The Councils of Carthage and Hippo had already determined the canonical books that Jerome would use.    It was finally at a Synod in Carthage in  397 that the bishops of the Catholic Church finally drew up the Canonical books that would be used in the Churches and which Jerome translated into Latin, since the Mass was said in Latin.   Their decision was ratified by the Pope.   But this did not devalue many other scriptures the Church decided not to use.   Letters from the early Fathers and Ecclesial writers of the Patristic age, Ignatius ...